This is a continuation of my reply to author JJ Dewey -- Part I can be read at at
While modern man often uses the rhetoric of the fact that modern science has proven that we dwell in a holographic reality (see
What Exactly Is A Hologram?)
-- and modern man often uses the rhetoric of a Divine Pattern that is
replicated into all of Creation -- few people understand how these two
terms apply to them, or the enigma of dwelling in a world that is a
Holographic Divine Pattern where each fragment is a replication of the

While the pattern of the Tree of Life is in fact the pattern of your own mind,
because of our holographic reality, within each of the (12) spheres of
the mind exists the a replication of the whole -- which equates to the
pattern of the twelve within the twelve. And from the perspective of
human consciousness, this inner fragmentation can be reduced to the
number 144,000 points that make up the Mind of man as patterned within
the diagram of the Tree of Life. And it is this fragmentation of mind
that is responsible for the condition of fragmented (false)
personalities which was written about extensively by Gurdjieff and
others who have written on esoteric psychology. Carl Jung noted that
the early Gnostics were the worlds first psychologists -- and quoting
from yesterdays reply: And this
reality is attested to by one of the foremost Theosophists, G.R.S. Mead,
in his celebrated work,
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten,
where he explained that, once properly understood, the true meaning of the
allegorical symbolism used is
“…projected onto the screen…”
of the scriptures,
“…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”.
Carl Jung and G.R.S Mead not only had many meetings together, but
coordinated their efforts. And when I use the tern 144,000 which is of
course used in the Book of Revelations, as being significant to the
Gnostics and can be understood as an important element in the psychology
of consciousness and “…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”,
Gudjieff's portrayal of man as having a fragmented mind must be
understood and common esoteric knowledge among those who seek to Know
Thyself. Which means that neither Gurdjieff's or my own portrayal of
this number being associated with the fragmented mind of man, is nothing
new and common (esoteric) knowledge among those of whom it can be said
that they have fulfilled the adage to Know Thyself.
this means is that those who Gnostics have traditionally portrayed as
"natural" or nature-man, not only dwells in a very fragmented and
divided condition of mind and being, but there are other ramifications
and consequences that greatly effect our understanding of both the Tree
of Life and the mind of man. The bottom sphere of the Tree of Life is
portrayed as the kingdom of the earth -- and it is the seat of earth or
carnal consciousness. And this is why Paul stated:
to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV). Further stating that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do
mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). And this is why the early Christian
Bishop and Gnostic Valentinus stated that there is no salvation for
those who can be categorized as nature-man. Why? Because as an
embryonic-image generated by our higher soul-self at conception (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image),
when we fail to develop, we remain earth-bound in our thinking and lack
of development. Why? Our thoughts and consciousness arise and
develop in the mind upon the vital life-force that originates in the
seven spiritual centers which in the East are referred to as chakras --
and because the whole of our thinking is grounded in the lower sphere of
the Tree of Life, as the thoughts rise and move through upper spheres,
these thoughts and thinking remain within the earth-sphere of the twelve
within the twelve of each of the upper spheres of mind. Which equates
to the reality that organic man only uses approximately 10% of his
potential of mind -- remaining carnal and earth-bound in his thinking
and understanding. Because of the holographic pattern of the twelve
within the twelve, only those aspects of each of the upper spheres which
relate to the earthly-kingdom, are active in the consciousness of
nature-man. Which equates to the reality that in the example of the
upper Wisdom or Understanding spheres of mind as expressed through the
pattern of the Tree of Life, only those fragments within the spheres
that could be labeled Earth-Wisdom or Earth-Understanding, is active --
while the greater 90% of each sphere remains dormant and undeveloped.
Incapable of understanding anything beyond what would be portrayed as
being of an earth-vibration. And this is why the Gospel account of
Jesus explained when questioned with respect to how he taught the
multitudes who were portrayed as being "outside" the House (see
In The House)
secret of the kingdom of God has been given
to you. But to those on the outside
everything is said in parables so that, they
may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and
ever hearing but never understanding”
(Mark 4:11-12 NIV). Which confirms the fact that
the portrayal of Jesus was not one who did or even could reveal the
"secrets of the Kingdom" to the multitudes of man -- but only parables
as presented in the words:
"And with many such
parables He spoke the word to them
as they were able to
hear it.
But without a parable He did not speak to
them. And when they were alone, He explained
all things to His disciples"
(Mark 4:33-34 NKJV). Which also means that what
the literal text of the Gospels is, is parables within a greater
allegorical parable -- as noted by the
Bible Commentary which writes that:
“…the initiate was
instructed in the esoteric teaching... which
was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery
of the kingdom in its ultimate development
is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom
16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to
instruct the initiates without revealing the
items of instruction to the ones who were
without. This is in keeping with the
Biblical principle that spiritual
understanding is restricted to those who
have become spiritual...” . And that is the Key with respect to developing the mind beyond the 10% organic level of consciousness -- i.e.,
"...the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
correctly stated that Faith-Based Christians who did not possess a
working knowledge of the (Natural) Laws would always become bound and
impeded by their ignorance of the Laws -- regardless of their faith.
One of the reasons he stated this was because the Laws of Creation MUST
maintain Wholeness across the spectrum of the twelve spheres of the Tree
of Life. And because at conception the embryo that was formed can
only be imbued with 1/144,000th of the Whole, each person is born from
this perspective within the Whole. And I maintain that it will remain
impossible to understand this human reality of consciousness without
reading the subheading
The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind.
In the same way that the Twelve Spheres of the Tree of Life is
comprised to 144,000 points of lesser consciousness, on a cosmic level
each person can be portrayed as a single neuron within the Holographic
Pattern of the Cosmic Tree of Life. And this is why each person and
each group perceives and understands the world and even all of life from
a different and often conflicting perspective. And this is why some
people can be portrayed as a conservative or liberal, a Marxist or
Atheist, a person such as Jim who seeks the teachings of the East, or
his opposite who would totally reject the East -- as well as all the
other diverse opinions, religions and philosophies of mankind. Which
is also why Peter in the Homilies states that each person sees a
different message in the scriptures -- as well as all of life. In a
recent Huffington Post article the author portrays Jesus as a Marxist
(see ). And quoting the opening of the article
An Inconvenient Truth:
was Jesus? Man, Myth or
God? Theologian
Albert Schweitzer suggested that
there will never be one answer
to that question. He
said that looking for Jesus in
history is like looking down a
well: You see only your own
reflection. The
Jesus, Schweitzer says, will
“a stranger and an enigma”.
And this is true, because each person's consciousness and
understanding is in direct relation to the point within the spectrum of
the Tree of Life that his mind and being was imbued at conception.
a Holographic perspective, when one comes to understand the Laws that
maintain Wholeness and bring about what is best portrayed as
The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind, there is a higher purpose and reason for this enigma that is presented in the subheading
The Solution To The Enigma.
And this reality of the Natural Laws of Creation goes to the heart of
the Sermon on the Mount and the Commandment against judging your
brothers and sisters. Because each person and group is imbued by the
Laws to perceive and understand from a different and often conflicting
perspective, if you use Empathetic Triangulation instead of Judgement,
the other person or group will assist the process of bringing about your
own expansion of mind by making the dormant points in the 90% of
consciousness within your own mind that was and is not supported by
organic consciousness, begin to become active within your own mind. It
is my understanding that JJ Dewey and other members of the Keysters
forum were present at the Constitutional Foundings of the USA, and it is
this Deist perception and understanding of the Laws of Nature and
Nature's God that served as the bedrock of the American Constitution as
presented on the website .

Returning back to the pattern of mind as portrayed in the diagram of the Tree of Life, the Tree of Life is normally drawn over an image of man, such as in this picture (see ).
And this is because your whole body which interacts with the mind in
the levels of the Etheric Field that surrounds the body, is an
allegorical image of the Mind. The outer spheres are representative of
the Tree of Duality -- the eating of the fruit of which brings death -- that is
death through the non-development portrayed by Valentinus above. The
Left column is the feminine half -- i.e., Intuition, Mercy and Wisdom.
The Right column is the male half -- i.e., Linear-Logic, Judgment and
Understanding. The separation and division of the male/female columns
bring about the division of the upper Heavenly Kingdom sphere, with its
other half at the bottom which is labeled the Earthly Kingdom sphere.
What is portrayed in Genesis as the Tree of Life that provides Eternal
Life to the eater thereof, is the Center Column which is labeled
Foundation, Love, Knowledge, Intellect -- and it is these four spheres
of mind that is the Third-Force balance of the four Trinities in the
Tree of Life. It must be noted that the Intellect Sphere is not
intellect as we would think of it -- but rather, how the individual uses
the knowledge of the Divine in their daily life -- and it has more to
do with the fruit a person brings forth in their daily life.
respect to the columns and divisions of the spheres of mind as
portrayed in the graphic image of the Tree of Life, Gospel of Thomas
saying #22 is of great importance where it states that:
They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them,
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inside
like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the
below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that
the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the
kingdom." In view of the fact that the Tree of Life is comprised
of four trinities -- each having a male/female paradoxical opposite --
with each trinity having a common offspring in the third-force balance
of the Center Column. Our higher Soul-Self that is a Being of Light --
which is our True Self that we are an image of in Gospel of Thomas
saying 84 -- and exists separate from us in what I portray as the Realm
of Souls -- is of course asexual, and is the balance of male/female,
physical/spiritual, heaven/earth and all other dualities (see ).
To bring about the Oneness of the above (heavenly kingdom) and the
below (earthly kingdom) -- you must bring about the Oneness of the Left
Column (female) with the Right Column (male) in the Center Column of the
Tree of Life. And when you consider that the Intellect Sphere can be
portrayed as the body which surrounds the other eleven -- and is
therefore the third-force balance of the upper and lower -- the only
means to enter the Kingdom is through the Center -- or that Sphere
labeled Love. And this is demonstrated in the version of Gospel of
Thomas saying 22 which is preserved in the Gospel of the Nazirenes which
And one of the disciples asked him,
"How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered and
said, "If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the before, entering
into the center and passing into the spirit, you will not enter into the kingdom of
God." The great difference between Eastern Teachings with
their attempt to "get above the mind" in meditation and chakra-gazing,
and that of the Teachings of TheWay and the development of the Mind
(Tree of Life) was one of the primary topics of conversation between
myself and Jim that caused me to write the subheading The Way OF The
Monk ( ).
The question now becomes how do you bring together the male and female columns and make them "one flesh" in the Center -- i.e.,
"...and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."
Only when you begin to understand that when you emerged from the womb
of your physical mother, you actually entered the Womb of Mother-Earth
were the next stages of development and birth must be brought about --
can you begin to grasp that when you entered this world you entered as
what I portray a Cosmic Ovum And Sperm (see
The Cosmic Ovum And Sperm).
And it is this reality that is the cause of the many sexual
prohibitions that are presented in the Bible -- including the teachings
of Jesus that even looking as a woman who is not your wife with lust, is
adultery. And while Jesus did not stone the woman caught in adultery,
he did say to her to go and sin no more. And the reason for this, as
well as the dynamic and etheric interactions of man and woman with
respect to fulfilling the above requirements to enter the Kingdom is
explored in great depth beginning at
The Esoteric Feminine Mystique (see )
-- which as a beginning point, contains far too much information to
replicate in this reply. But one of the more important points from the
perspective of understanding the Tree of Life is the account of the
interaction of Peter and Mary Magdalene -- quoting from the subheading
Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational:
in this respect such biblical figures as Mary Magdalene is not the
personification of an historical person -- but rather, the purification,
development and raising up of the (feminine) intuitive aspects of the
disciples own mind. In the Gospels associated with Mary Magdalene it
is written: “She
speaks to the other disciples about Jesus and what she’s seen, and
Peter says, ‘I don’t believe the Lord said these things. These are
certainly strange ideas.’ And she says, ‘Well, do you think I made them
up? Do you think I’m lying about the Lord?’ ” In this
allegorical representation, the linear-rational aspect of mind is
represented in Peter's inability to comprehend what the
feminine-intuitive as represented in the allegorical personification of
Mary Magdalene reveals. And since these intuitive visions, impressions
and wisdom does not support the linear reasoning of the masculine
vision of this world and Creation, in most people they are rejected.
In the introduction to the book
Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Prof. Elain Pageles writes and quotes the Gospel of Philip:
the Gospel of Philip celebrates Mary Magdalene as manifesting the
divine spirit, which this gospel calls the “virgin who came down” from
heaven. When Christians spoke of Jesus “born from a virgin,” this author
agrees—but refuses to take it literally. So some people, he says, take
this literally to mean that Jesus’ mother became pregnant apart from any
man, apart from sexual intercourse. But this, he says, is the “faith of fools” who
fail to comprehend spiritual matters (although, as we note, it can be
seen in the birth narratives offered in the New Testament gospels of
Matthew and Luke). Instead, continues the Gospel of Philip, Jesus was
born physically, just as all humans, as the son of biological parents.
The difference, says the author of this gospel, that he was also “born
again” in baptism--born spiritually to become the son of the Father
above, and of the heavenly Mother, the Holy Spirit. That
one of the primary objectives of this life is to bring about and achieve
the next stage of birth -- a non-physical birth which is allegorically
portrayed as a
Virgin Birth -- should be of primary importance to all people.
the same way that Peter as representing the (male) linear-rational
spheres of mind states of the intuitive visions and wisdom of Mary
Magdalene: "...These are certainly strange ideas",
neither can the male column of the Tree of Life grasp the vision and
perception of the female columns of the Tree of Life -- and it is this
gulf of separation that creates the Tree of Duality -- the fruit of
which inhibits the development of the mind, and brings about the death
of the eater thereof.
To again quote from the above link:
The proper development of the mind to eclipse what can be called
organic human limitations, is dependent upon the interaction of the
linear and intuitive spheres of mind. But when the intuitive
perception is inhibited, and development is suppressed, even the
linear is flat-lined from any development beyond what is portrayed
in the Gospels as carnal and restricted consciousness. The linear
mind of man remains limited in its development, because the
intuitive remains infantile and shackled in a captive environment
where it is only permitted to express itself in linear terms. While
the inward looking intuitive has the potential to access higher
consciousness and states of mind and being, it is unable to arise to
its intended potential because of the shackles placed upon it by a
thoroughly domineering and controlling linear culture. Like a
woman who in many Islamic cultures are forced to dwell in an
imprisoned world beneath a Burka -- not permitted to openly express
herself except when accompanied by a male relative -- totally
deprived of the ability to openly speak on her own behalf -- the
natural expression of the intuitive mind has been so impeded by our
linear-driven culture, that it has remained undeveloped and
unreliable as a resource (see
Opening And Unlocking the Mind). Because the male-linear as
portrayed as the portrayal of Peter takes the position that
"...These are certainly strange
ideas", when the perceptions of the feminine-intuitive is
encountered, the merger of impressions can never be brought about --
thus, flat-lining the union at a very low-self carnal perception of
man's true reality.
interaction of the male/female outer PARADOXICAL columns of the Tree of
Life that is crucial to the development of Mind as presented in the
twelve spheres of the Tree of Life -- while much of which is presented
in the above link at
The Esoteric Feminine Mystique --
can be tomorrows topic of discussion if you would like. The
interaction and development of these columns is a subject all unto
itself. And I have already been writing for a long period of time this
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