Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Restored New Covenant And Path of Success

Thought for the day: When you send your child off to school, you don't begin the day by making him repent and ask forgiveness for all the tests he failed, or their past misbehaviors. You provide him/her insight into what they need to succeed. While it is necessary to learn from our past failures -- and I have a long list of them for myself -- but unless you approach your life in a renewed and positive mindset, it will remain impossible to bring about success. When you send your child to school, you do so with a mindset that can prevail and bring about success. This world is God's School House for his divine offspring -- portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son, as the Far Country. And while we must learn from our mistakes, we must then embrace a winning strategy that will insure our ultimate success.

With the corruption of the Gospels, few modern Christians even understand what success is. Our Loving Father has heard the prayers of those who seek greater renewed guidance and understanding, and you can find the restored New Covenant at Intro To Original Gospel By Brother Of Jesus .

 GodSpeed in your renewed Journey in TheWay.


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