Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Lie Of Atheism

Atheists Lie

When Jesus was asked when the Kingdom will come upon the earth, he stated that it will never come in the manner that men look for it, because it is at the Core of your own Consciousness (Luke 17:20-21). And it is for this reason that the Christian teachings on the Kingdom invoke certain requirements that must be accomplished by the person who desires to see the Kingdom which the Gospel of Thomas states is before you -- i.e., "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." Therefore, because atheists have rejected fulfilling the requirements necessary to see the Kingdom -- and choose to remain blind to what lies before them -- even though science has proven this Fact of Life to be true -- atheists must begin to recognize that it is their own mindset and lifestyle that has alienated them from both God, and the Kingdom. 
When rightly understood, atheists are the victims of their own lack of vision, because of their inherent blindness to man's higher spiritual reality even when presented to them by science. We can prove this by understanding the emerging body of the modern scientific investigators: When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.” What he was stating is that what man sees as concrete matter, is being projected from an Unseen-Metaphysical Source-Field. But Atheists reject even the existence of the Metaphysical.  Einstein confirmed the foregoing in his statement with respect to the concrete forms that we do see and interact with in everyday life: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter, there is only Light and Sound.” Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff.” In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe". What this means is that what you see physically has an immaterial source that is a metaphysical projection -- and this projection being incomplete, conveys an (allegorical) symbol or explanation pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses. Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Most people portray that "conscious and intelligent mind", as God. More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.” And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".

The problem is that most people have remained complacent, and they never developed the ability to see beyond the lower frequencies associated with organic (carnal) perception. The fact is that whoever makes the effort, can develop the ability to see and understand what myself and others who have walked the spiritual path of the mystic can see and understand. It is the birth-right of every person to access these higher frequencies of mind and acquire the essential perceptive-knowledge to understand man's higher Soul-Reality, so long as they make the effort to develop the higher attributes of mind. The fact that atheists look for proof of what their undeveloped mindset has blinded them to, is their own admittance to the failure of atheists to develop the areas of mind necessary to see and understand their own higher Soul-reality. So atheists blame others for their lack of mental-development that has inhibited their perception of man's true reality.
I am always amazed how atheists ignore the experiences of a very large number of people. Personally, the vast majority of Evangelical Bible-only Christians are in the same boat as their Atheist brothers and sisters, because of their ideology and beliefs that derail their mental and spiritual development. What atheists portray as hypothetical, is merely the truths and facts they reject based upon their atheist ideology -- and it is their ideology that inhibits their mental and spiritual development. The scientific explanation was set forth by Nikola Tesla when he said: “If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.“ What this means is that if you desire to see and understand the frequencies that are beyond the limits of the (carnal) perceptive-frequencies of vision and understanding, then you will have to develop those attributes of mind that enable you to see and understand the Source-Field -- as stated by Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality”. When it is understood that what Einstein portrays as the Unseen "Field", is merely those frequencies beyond what can be seen my man in his organic carnal perception. Which confirms the statement above by Walter Thirring about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.

What this means is that the Mystic is correct when he states: The ONLY REALITY is in the Metaphysical UNSEEN FIELD that is the SOURCE of the three-dimensional images that we see -- and what this also means is that all the answers and understanding of life must be sought in the Metaphysical Source-Field.  And thus, the problem as demonstrated in the words of Einstein: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."    The great void in our perceptive-comprehension, has been our total reliance upon linear understanding that can be proven logically and proven in a peer-review.  Which is why Einstein also stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."  If the Source of what we see is Metaphysical -- and because the Metaphysical is beyond the perceptive-vision and comprehension of man's linear attributes of mind -- it is because we reject all Metaphysical explanations and sources, that we have chosen to remain blind and ignorant.    Which provokes the question: If we do begin to recognize our flawed thinking, how does a person develop the ability to perceive the SOURCE in the FIELD? Quoting from the Wikipedia article on Plato's Cave: "Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses. Even if these interpretations ...are an absurd misrepresentation of reality, we cannot somehow break free from the bonds of our human condition - we cannot free ourselves from phenomenal state just as the prisoners could not free themselves from their chains. If, however, we were to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a world that we could not understand - the sun is incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it. In other words, we would encounter another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact."

What this means is that we are "...forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses", of our physical mind -- the unseen source of what we see is being projected from an Unseen-Source  ...that we could not understand"  because it is being projected from a realm that is outside of the frequencies that we see, which is the Unseen Source projected from "another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact."  When Nikola Tesla stated that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”, it should have been noted that certain frequencies and vibrations of generated thought, provide us with the illusive appearance of being concrete matter, while their sources vibrate at frequencies that cause them to be beyond the limits of man's physical senses to detect. Regardless of the fact that we can't understand the meaning of what we see with our senses, without understanding the Unseen Source that is projecting the illusive image. And this is especially true as presented in the statement of Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory where he summed up the perspective that the universe has revealed itself as a great thought -- that the Higher Consciousness that is generating the thoughts of all that we see and experience that many religions portray as God, exists within a Matrix of Higher Consciousness: "We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Solid Matter Is Just a Vibratory Frequency Our Brains Interpret As Concrete. In a February 1979 Psychology Today interview with brain scientist Karl Pribram, the world which he attempted to describe confirmed the vision witnessed by the mystics and the scriptures: “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”.

Nikola Tesla stated: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  When Einstein stated: "What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses." Which means that we have ignored the energy outside of the spectrum of frequencies which our brain is cognizant of and is able to see -- even when the frequencies outside of our ability to see is the source of the frequencies that we do see.
What is being acknowledged is that: (1) there is nothing but energy; (2) that what we see with our physical senses is energy that falls within the spectrum of certain vibrational frequencies; (3) and whatever energy falls outside of that spectrum of frequencies, is beyond our ability to sense; (4) even when the energy outside of the frequencies we can see, is the (unseen) source of what we do see. But, it will be the next statement that those linear-thinkers who claim to base their thinking upon logic and reasoning will be too difficult for the unprepared mind to grasp and understand. What the modern scientist is acknowledging, is that the frequencies our brain interprets as concrete matter, is interpreted as matter, because of its frequency of vibration that our brain interprets as concrete matter. But what we see is the effect of the generated image, and not the source. Why? Because science has also proven that the source of what we see is being projected by energies outside of the limitations of the spectrum of frequencies that we see -- which means that we are not only blind to the source of what we see, but that we remain ignorant of why, what we see, is being projected into that spectrum of frequencies that we see and believe to be concrete matter. Therefore, when science, in the form of anti-metaphysical scientism, rejected the existence of the metaphysical source, they stopped and ceased all investigations at the border of the physical -- which Nobel Prize winner in Physics Niels Bohr totally undermined when he stated: “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.” What in essence Niels Bohr was stating, was that scientism was investigating the frequencies that we see as concrete matter, while ignoring and rejecting the (unseen) source, because of the investigators own adopted anti-metaphysical ideology.

When rightly understood, the analogy of Plato's cave can be portrayed as a mental-womb in which man is presently developing. There is one version or aspect of the analogy of Plato's Cave where a group of prisoners succeed in escaping the cave -- i.e., (quoting Wikipedia): "If, however, we were to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a world that we could not understand—the sun is incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it. In other words, we would encounter another 'realm', a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact". And unless we are prepared to evolve our mind beyond its present mental-embryonic limitations, we will remain a prisoner in a world of shadow-images and self-ignorance -- unable to deal with "...the realm of pure Form, pure fact".  Jesus portrayed the analogy of the Cave as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see The Outer Darkness Of Mind And Being ) -- which portrays the plight of the prodigal son in the Far Country.  

The meme at the right perfectly portrays the atheist who is blind to his true reality, and demands that if his mother exists, that she manifest herself in the womb and communicate with him directly.  Only a person who is no longer sense-bound from the perspective of the analogy of Plato's Cave, and has made serious progress to acquire the necessary Self-Knowledge and the transformative process noted by Nikola Tesla in the refinement and raising of their "frequency and vibration" of mind, can perceive and understand the reality that we are Dwelling In The Mind Of God . And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that academia does not in any measure prepare the students and people to embrace and connect with their own True Source, as a Being of Light (see  ).  The problem is that most people have remained complacent, and they never developed the ability to see beyond the lower frequencies associated with organic (carnal) perception. The fact is that whoever makes the effort, can develop the ability to see and understand what myself and others see and understand. It is the birth-right of every person to access these higher frequencies of mind and acquire the essential perceptive-knowledge to understand man's higher Soul-Reality, so long as they make the effort to develop the higher attributes of mind. The fact that atheists look for proof of what their undeveloped mindset has blinded them to, is their  own admittance to their failure to develop the areas of mind necessary to see and understand their own higher Soul-reality. So atheists blame others for their lack of mental-development that has inhibited their perception of man's true reality.

I am fascinated that atheists lack the intellect to ask the question: What does a person have to do, in order to perceive the frequencies beyond organic carnal perception, and see what cutting-edge science defines as the Unseen Source-Field? And the fact that atheists oppose and even harass those who possess the necessary higher development that permits them to begin to sense those higher frequencies, is truly amazing. Perhaps the foundational frequencies of your thinking has more in common with the concrete rocks, than you are willing to acknowledge. You might consider reading more on modern science at The Scientific Revolution  

Facts to a blind person is different than facts to a person whose vision has developed. From the perspective of the atheists, their beliefs are the author and source of their own blindness. The Law is that a person whose development of mind inhibits their higher spiritual development, remains unable to see beyond what Nikola Tesla correctly portrays as the "frequency and vibration" of their mind. Atheists are living proof of this scientific statement. In the same way that a baby can't eat solid food, the understanding of atheists, their vision, and their perceptive-comprehension, is all controlled by the "frequency and vibration" of their own mind, which is controlled by the beliefs of the atheists that act as limitations upon what they see and understand.

Myself and others who have walked the path of the Spiritual Mystic have succeeded in developing our inward-looking attributes of mind that enable us to sense and even see the Kingdom -- as well as God. While atheists have not prepared themselves to see what lies before them -- as science has confirmed -- so the atheists blame Christians for their own failure to develop their mind and spirit.


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