An Inconvenient Truth
While many people today hold almost countless opinions as to what the scriptures are, the vast majority overlook the most important part of the equation -- i.e., they are what the original authors intended them to be. Because both modern believers and critics all fail to understand the nature of the scriptures from the vision of the original authors, the scriptures remain a perpetual enigma to all who open them. The bottom line is that it makes little difference as to what YOU believe the nature of the scriptures are, if you fail to understand the sacred writings from the same perception and understanding as the original authors who composed them. From the perspective of a long ignored reality there are a number of important points that each person must come to terms with: (1) In the first place, the scriptures are not historical narratives -- and when understood within their original context, they possess virtually little to no historical value whatsoever. (2) Secondly, they are composed by mystics who would be deemed heretics if they spoke openly what they knew and witnessed as truth -- and even then, most of these very same mystics have been perpetually hunted down and murdered. (3) The authors of the scriptures were Gnostics -- and the true meaning of the word Gnosis (see Gnosis) which was declared to be heresy by the Church of Rome, is the Divine Manna or Knowledge of the Kingdom which can only be revealed directly from God to those who could receive it -- and the primary objective of the scriptures is to conceal and preserve esoteric truths for fellow Gnostics in both the present, and even more importantly in the future. (4) The objective of Mysticism is to circumvent the very limited knowledge of this world, and position themselves to receive Gnosis (Spiritual Knowledge) from God -- and all true mystics and Gnostics must understand the evolution of the soul over the course of many lifetimes. While it is true that we were all Created equal -- equal is not the same -- and each of us is the product of our past experiences that have develop us since the very dawn of Creation itself. What this means is that the mystic authors write what man calls scriptures, so that when their souls return to this world, the sacred writings will be preserved for them to renew and restore their spirituality, so they can continue their soul-journey from where they left off. (5) This last primary requirement means that they must compose the body of the scriptures in such a way, that the carnal people of this world whose thinking, mindset and lifestyle remain under the control of what Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of this world (The Far Country), will unknowingly preserve the sacred writings. Thus, out of necessity, the Gnostic/Mystic uses the blind ignorance of the common people who remain entangled in the "outer darkness" (see Outer Darkness), to act as a (drug) mule or unwitting carrier -- and this is necessary because the Citizen of the Far Country (aka the god of this world) would induce the people under his control to destroy and/or corrupt the scriptures. (6) It is therefore important to recognize that the biblical authors were correct in their assertion that the people of this world who remain under the dominion of the Citizen of the Far County, cannot understand the higher reality of the soul and what Jesus portrayed as the (esoteric) knowledge of the Kingdom of God -- which Paul openly states they will reject as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel). (7) In view of the fact that the carnal people -- even those who are baptized and committed believers -- can't utilize the esoteric knowledge -- this inability to understand along with the threat of annihilation because of the charge of heresy, forces the authors of the scriptures to act in a way not at all understood by the congregation of believers. In the example of Paul who references himself as an ambassador in bonds who cannot speak about what he knows openly -- openly warning the congregation of believers that he had himself taught, that if he did in fact speak to them openly about the Spiritual Gospel, they would reject what he said as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel). Further, Paul explains that because it was declared from On High to be "unlawful" to reveal to the faith-based believers the Spiritual Gospel of Christ and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Gnostic Spiritual Dilemma), there are two doctrines -- i.e., one for the immature congregation of believers who are incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- and the other which can only be spiritually received directly from the Mind of God (Logos/Son Of God/True Prophet). GoTo Full Article

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