the Bible Fiction, as author Daniel Miessler writes in his article entitled
The Bible is Fiction: A Collection of Evidence? Or is there an
ultra-important esoteric reality that Daniel Miessler in his very linear
understanding and traditional academic education is simply not prepared to understand?
Which provokes the question: Should you abandon the study of the Gospels on the
basis of what Mr. Miessler perceives is a similarity in accounts? Further,
while Daniel Miessler correctly points out that the Bible is unreliable as an
historical record, what he fails to understand is that the scriptures are not
historical. Further, what Daniel Miessler is simply not in the least bit
prepared to understand is the fact that the Gospels were intentionally written
so they could not be used from an historical perspective. Quoting from
The True (Unknown) Nature And Reality Of The
http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#UnknownTruth :
Critics claim that the Gospels are poorly written -- that Gospels contradict
other Gospels -- that they contain countless inconsistencies and discordances --
that they plagiarized other religions -- and that they totally lack continuity
with the Old Testament. Yet, these same critics fail to understand that the
alleged inconsistencies, discordances and conflicts in the biblical texts were
intentionally inserted for an ultra-important reason that both the modern
Christians and the critics fail to understand. Further, the removal and editing
out of these alleged discordances, inconsistencies and supposed conflicts in the
scriptures by the scribes and translators of the past, has directly inhibited
the Gospels from fulfilling their intended core purpose as the text-book for the
lost prodigal sons/daughters to return and be restored to the Edenic Kingdom of
Origination that each person had previously abandoned. The great looming fact
is that the scriptures are not historical accounts -- their authors never
intended them to be historical accounts -- and when used in this manner, they
are rendered virtually worthless with respect to their original purpose and
When rightly understood, Daniel Miessler as with most other linear-thinking
critics, are the victims of their education. Quoting from
The Process of Re-Engineering Beliefs, Myths &
http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#Reengineering :
When you teach in the traditional
manner, you disseminate information to the Linear spheres of mind in order to
instruct them through what has been portrayed as rote-programming. This is
defined as "The
process of learning or committing something to memory through mechanical
repetition, usually by hearing and repeating aloud, often without full attention
to comprehension or thought for the meaning." The problem
with this type of traditional learning and instruction is seen in the fact that,
you can't expand normal human consciousness beyond organic human limitations
through traditional Linear (rote) programming. And what we fail to understand
is the fact that the framework of the scriptures is built upon an infant
full-mind foundation -- which equates all wisdom and knowledge of this world as
being at best incomplete, with most of it portrayed as fool's-gold -- and like
fool's gold, the wisdom and knowledge of this world presents a superficial
resemblance to actual knowledge. Therefore, the reality of the scriptures is
in the fact that they were designed to overcome the limitations of linear (rote)
learning and instruction by providing the person a path to acquire to genuine
knowledge and truth. To the degree that what is portrayed as scriptural
writings were intentionally designed to inhibit traditional Linear (rote)
learning -- and blocks were inserted into the literal text that forced the
reader/student to look beyond the linear interpretation of the written text.
And while it is true that the common person does not readily understand this
reality of the scriptures, that does not mean that their ignorance will negate
the process of inner development. Which means that if you are intelligent
enough to question the validity of the literal text, the question then becomes
whether you possess the intuitive insight to seek the deeper meaning? And when
the purpose and objectives of the scriptures are truly understood, it is this
development of the Intuitive spheres of mind that is the primary objective of
the sacred writings.
In the same way that elementary
students cannot comprehend advanced mathematics, in order to create scriptures
that were appropriate for the common people who had never begun the process of
mental development and transformation beyond organic human comprehension, the
authors of the scriptures
re-engineered the common
beliefs of the people -- many of which beliefs can rightly be portrayed as being
founded upon myth or folklore. Why? If you attempted to teach a group of
people truths that were new, contrary to, or in conflict with their beliefs they
already hold, they would either
(1) immediately reject what was being
presented to them; and/or
(2) Linear rote programming of new material
would fail to develop the Intuitive spheres of mind and bring about the
connection to the Inner Source of Higher Knowledge that ALREADY exists within
each of us. Therefore, it is imperative to begin the development process by
presenting a foundational environment that the people can embrace and begin the
process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.
Development beyond the natural limits
of organic human consciousness, requires a balance and union of opposites within
the mind of the person -- i.e., Linear and Intuitive, earthly and heavenly,
inner and outer -- as expressed in the statement in the Gospel of Thomas as to
when the Kingdom would come within the mind of the INDIVIDUAL seeker:
"Jesus said to them,
When you
make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside
like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and
the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom."
Therefore, in order to bring about the mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening
of the mind of the person beyond organic human limitations, it is imperative to
work within the framework of that person's existing beliefs. And from an infant
mind-full perspective, it is this working within the person's existing framework
of mind that creates the final product of
myths and folklore containing a series of symbols and catalysts
that connects their normal organic consciousness with both a higher level of
consciousness that exists within all of mankind, and ultimately connects the
person to an Inner Source of Knowledge and Truth that exceeds all the cumulative
knowledge of mankind throughout all the ages that mankind has walked the face of
the earth (see The One Teacher
http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher ).
Unless the interaction of opposites --
i.e., male/linear with female/intuitive, upper heavenly with lower earthly and
inner and outer is brought about -- it will remain impossible to evolve the mind
of the person beyond what can be portrayed as organic human consciousness (see
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#animal ). Teaching the person new
information, is little more than traditional linear rote programming that
further alienates them from their Inner Source of Mind and Being. In order to
evolve the mind of the person beyond the limits of organic human consciousness,
you must work within the framework of their existing beliefs and foundational
mindset --
re-engineering their existing beliefs with symbols and catalysts
that Intuitively connect the Inner and the Outer.
Did the Gospel account of Jesus make reference to the misinterpretation of
the scriptures as historical accounts? Yes, very much so -- and this is
seen in his statement to the leaders of the Jews as explored at
The Fatal Error Of The Church
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#third :
While the Christians, like the Jews before them who
threw away the Key of Knowledge, look for the Kingdom to come outwardly upon the
earth, the Gospel itself states that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth,
because it is within you -- and it is therein that you must seek it:
"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the
kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God comes
not with observation: Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for,
behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21). If the
words of Jesus are true -- and the Kingdom is within you -- then the question
that Christians should be asking, is how must the Kingdom be entered? The
answer is the proper application of the Key of Knowledge by turning the
scriptures within your own mind and being -- i.e., "How
terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to
knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you
prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52). Thus, in understanding
these words spoken to the Pharisees, the questions must be asked: How did the
Pharisees and Jewish authorities "...hide the key to
knowledge from the people"? Why did Jesus condemn the leaders of
the Jews for failing to enter the Kingdom themselves? -- i.e.,
"...You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves"!
And how did the religious leaders of the Jews
"...prevent others from entering?" In further clarification, the
TEV version of the this verse states: “How terrible for
you teachers of the Law! You have kept the key that opens the door to the house
of knowledge; you yourselves will not go in, and you stop those who are trying
to go in!” (Luke 11:52 TEV). Thus, the scriptures when properly
used, have the ability to "open the [inner] door to the
House of Knowledge" -- and their outward interpretations whereby they
seek the Kingdom to come outwardly (see The End Times - Armageddon/Rapture - The
Coming Of The Kingdom
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#EndTimes ), inhibits believers from
"going in [the Hose of Knowledge]" -- and by
teaching the people their outward interpretations, they inhibited the community
of believers from entering the Hose of Knowledge.
In order to bring about the process of mental-expansion and
spiritual-deepening, the person reading the Gospels must use them for their
intended purpose as the Key of Knowledge. Quoting from
The Application Of The Scriptures as the Key Of
Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within us -- and unless you understand the
scriptures as a mirror image of your own mind -- and perceive the scriptures as
allegorical mental-events transpiring totally IN THE PRESENT -- then the
scriptures cannot bring about their intended objective of mental-expansion and
spiritual-deepening. With the knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind, what is
personified as the 12 disciples, Jesus, the virgin birth, the resurrection, as
well as all the symbols of higher consciousness that are used as catalysts in
the Gospels, must become developed and manifest in Wholeness within your own
Mind and Being. The allegorical personification of Jesus in the Gospels, is a
portrayal of a condition of mind and being that each believer must and can bring
about within themselves. And this is what is portrayed in the commandment to
pick up your own cross and travail in TheWay -- i.e.,
“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He
who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find
it” (Matt 10:38-39 NKJ). The moment you attempt to read the
scriptures in the manner of the Jews -- i.e., historically -- then you have
thrown away the Key of Knowledge. The Apostle Peter taught that there is no
valid interpretation from a human perspective (see The One Teacher
http://GospelCosmology.Ebionite.com#TheOneTeacher ) -- because without the
opening of the mind ("Then he opened their minds so
they could understand the Scriptures" Luke 24:45) -- organic man can
only interpret the writings historically in the manner of the Pharisees. The
Gospels must be understood as taking place totally in the NOW -- i.e., as
transpiring presently in your life, with no historical or outward
interpretations. In view of the fact that the Kingdom is within you -- i.e.,
"...the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke
17:20-21) -- the scriptures must be totally turned within your own mind to bring
about the necessary transformation, thereby enabling the seeker to achieve the
next stage of birth. By using the Gospels as the Key of Knowledge as Jesus
taught -- and thereby seeking the One Teacher who is portrayed as the True
Prophet (see
http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher ) -- only then can the whole reality
of the Soul and the spiritual meaning of the scriptures be revealed to the
seeker of Higher Truth and the Kingdom. This realm in which we are presently
experiencing, is the "outer darnkness" that
Jesus portrayed as a place of spiritual blindness and self-ignorance where you
are presently dwelling -- i.e., "Bind him hand and
foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt
22:12-14). Therefore, that organic man is dwelling in a realm of suppressed
mental development, rendered spiritually blind, and the victim of spiritual
amnesia, it will remain impossible to even begin to understand the higher
reality of the Soul, the Spiritual Meaning of the Gospels and the core teachings
of Christianity, without understanding the Key to Christianity that is based
upon the Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many
lives. Which means that it is absolutely necessary to understand the process of
"turning about" and becoming as a child (see
Turn About And Become As a Child
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#TurnAbout ), in order to begin to make spiritual
progress in the life you are presently living. The fact that the essential
teaching of Jesus on the process of becoming a child has been removed from the
Gospels, has cast the modern believer into a diaspora of abject self-ignorance
which they cannot emerge from until this core teaching on how the Soul achieves
Wholeness is achieved -- i.e., "They that are whole
have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the
righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). That because the
core essential teaching on children was removed from the scriptures, is one of
the primary reasons the Original Gospel teachings have virtually nothing in
common with modern Church doctrine -- i.e., which teaching is explored at
. It is impossible to achieve the next stage of birth without the necessary
Soul-Knowledge of the previous lives your Soul has lived (see Turn About And
Become As a Child
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#TurnAbout -- AND Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation
And Soul-Development
http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#SoulEvolution ).
The fact are that linear-thinkers such as Daniel Miessler is simply not
prepared to do the above -- and they will remain mentally and spiritually
flat-lined until they seek to Know Thyself (see
http://KnowThySelf.Nazirene.org ).
The burgled beliefs from advanced cultures of their masters.
A religion of slaves to create slaves in their image.
The similarities between
the stories and characters in the Bible
and those from previous mythologies are
both undeniable and well-documented.
I wrote the following to Daniel Miessler
Greetings Daniel Miessler:
Is the scriptures and especially the Gospels just a collection of fiction? Or is there a reality about the scriptures that you do not at all understand? In order to assist you to deepen your understanding, I wrote the reply to your article at
Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus: Reply To: The Bible Is Fiction by Daniel Miessler -- with the hope that what is presented will open your mind to the greater reality of the adage, to Know Thyself.
GodSpeed in TheWay,
Allan Cronshaw
I wrote the following to Declan Heavey
GodSpeed in TheWay,
Allan Cronshaw
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