Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Save Canada From Self-Destruction

When a deranged person points a gun to their head, and is on the verge of pulling the trigger, sane people attempt to intercede -- knowing that lives can be saved through resolving problems without the finality of taking a life. In like manner, when a person endangers themselves because of their own ignorance, informed knowledgeable people attempt to enlighten the uninformed misguided people whose ignorance poses a danger to themselves and others. A responsible adult safeguards the children in their care from countless threats to their wellbeing and safety. And in fact, a parent whose irresponsibility threatens the life of their child, can in fact be prosecuted.

Every aspect of the lives we live is an acknowledgement of the Laws that impact and often control us. We know that if we jump off a tall building, that the effect of the Law of Gravity will orchestrate our destruction as body impacts the ground. And any person who attempts to defy the Law of Gravity, and attempts to step off a high roof and walk on the air, is seen as a deranged person who is a danger to themselves. A person who drives an automobile in a reckless manner, is inhibited from driving, because they endanger the wellbeing of others. We understand the relationship of the Laws of Cause and Effect -- and how the speed of an object and the resulting effect of a collision that is responsible for bringing about the death and destruction that ensues when the actions of an irresponsible driver threaten the lives and wellbeing of others. And while most people could not define the underlying Laws that come into play in the manner of a Quantum Physicist, every aspect of our life is immersed in a conscious prediction with respect to the workings of these Laws and the direct effect and impact upon our lives.

Emerging out of the profound ignorance of our own science of the past, the modern Quantum Physicist has now proven what the Mystic and Spiritual Visionary has known all along -- i.e., that all events in this world are brought about by underlying causes in what man perceives as an Etheric Field that surrounds all physical matter. And in the same way that the forces of nature are all subservient to the causal elements in the underlying Etheric Field, so too is the events that move and shape the daily lives that each of us lives. On the web site , it is demonstrated how modern Quantum Physics has proven what the Mystic has known all along -- i.e., that every event in the physical world, is caused and brought about by an underlying causal force in the Etheric Field that is beyond the normal perception of organic man. And in fact, the whole purpose of the path of the Mystic, is to enlarge the senses -- which activate dormant spheres of mind -- enabling the Mystic to see and understand what organic man is blind to by virtue of the limitations of his normal physical body. And that man has the ability to perceive the underlying causes of all events by peering into the Etheric Field that Quantum Physicists have now begun to understand, is the primary opposition presented in the Mystics rejection of such things as the blanket seatbelt laws (see ). In the article which questions whether Jews are seekers of Truth (see ), it is demonstrated that Jewish Mystics such as Rabbi Isaac Luria, understood the relationship of cause and effect that is one of the main topics of the Bible -- and especially the New Testament prior to the corruption of the scriptures (see ) -- which cast the Christian world into profound ignorance with the removal of the teaching of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see ). And this is expressed in the biblical warning that each person reaps what they have previously sown -- and that each person inherits the fruit of their own ways. And that most Jews and Christians are in denial of the Truth of Reality, is demonstrated in the reaction and outrage when Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan stated that the Jews who died in the holocaust, were merely inheriting the debts incurred in their own past lives (see ).

How does this equate to the role of the United States attempting to help Canadians who are in effect, bringing about their own self-destruction? A self-destruction as sure as when a deranged people point a loaded gun to their heads -- or a self-destruction which caused millions of Jews to be born into a life where they would perish in the holocaust? By extending Canada a hand which would lessen the impact of their own ignorant actions as they wantonly violate the Laws -- much in the manner of a reckless driver who floors the gas peddle of his car, while turning the steering wheel into a great crowd of people.

In an article originally covered by the National Post of Canada entitled Mennonites May Flee Qubec Town (see National Post) -- an article that was also covered in WorldNetDaily and other web news publications, it tells of how the government is threatening to remove the Mennonite children from their families because of their refusal to teach their children Darwin's Theory of Evolution -- a theory that has not only been proven wrong by modern Quantum Physicists (see ), as well as being questioned by Darwin himself in his later life. And while those who ascribe to the Theory of Evolution have every right to embrace this out-modeled fossilized ignorance, the effect of the Canadian government's threat to remove the Mennonite Children from their families, can in fact be compared to the causal forces that Mystics correctly warned brought about such things as the holocaust -- as well as the very underlying causes of most of human suffering, including the very reason for the presence of evil in the world. By persecuting the Mennonites, the Canadian government will bring about a corresponding persecution of all Canadians in the future in direct proportion to their own actions -- or in the case of the Canadian people, their complacency to this violation of God-Given UnAlienable Rights that each Mennonite innately inherits from their Creator-God. The result will be that at some time in the future, every Canadian who is complacent to their government's denial of these God-Given Rights of the Mennonite Community, will in the manner of the victims of the holocaust, experience lifetimes where they suffer the loss of their own children.

In the same way that a rational person would attempt to intercede when a person points a loaded gun to their head, the United States should immediately offer to accept these Mennonites as refugees who have been persecuted and denied their fundamental freedom and liberty by a government which is apathetic to fundamental human rights and the Laws of Creation. By opening our door to these persecuted Mennonites, we as Americans will be lessening the impact of when the Laws return to the Canadian people the fruit of their own actions and complacency to act responsibly -- and we would in effect help alleviate future suffering that the Law of Cause and Effect will impose upon all Canadians when they inherit the fruit of their own previous actions. While the founding organic documents of the United States express a knowledge of the Laws of Nature, and Nature's God -- and the reality of these Laws which are the basis of the Bill of Rights has been proven by modern Quantum Physicists (see ) -- which Laws have been well attested to by Mystics and men of Spiritual Vision -- the government of Canada chooses to blindly ignore what both religion and science has proven to be true. And in the same way that the Laws of a speeding projectile in the form of a bullet directed towards the head of a person will bring about their demise, if the Canadian government continues to deny these Mennonites their fundamental God-Given Rights -- invoking the Laws of Cause and Effect -- then the Canadian people will themselves suffer loss in the future as each reaps what they have previously actively or complacently sown. Thus, We the People of the United States should attempt to save the Canadian people from their own reckless violation of the Laws that will bring about their future demise.

Brother of Yeshua/Jesus


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