Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Jesus The University Professor

Jesus The Professor: When correctly understood, the Gospel account of Jesus can just as rightly be portrayed as being taught by a university professor -- i.e., Jesus the Law Professor, the Science Professor, the Philosophy Professor, the Psychology Professor -- as from a spiritual leader and guide.   Why?   Because everything that we think, do and say invokes Natural Laws -- and it is these Natural Laws that orchestrate our lives and our individual futures.   The bottom line is that everything in this world is moved by the Natural Laws which control every aspect of the lives we live.   After all, Jesus stated that not even a sparrow can fall to the earth apart from the Will of God -- and God interacts and moves the hearts and minds of all mankind indirectly through the Natural Laws of Creation.  To be ignorant of these Natural Laws, is to be a victim of our own ignorance.   What is often portrayed as American Exceptionalism is very much the result of the Natural Laws that were understood and invoked by the framers of the American Constitution (see ). 
What is the source of intellectual instruction?  It makes no difference if the instructor is in an upper room of a religious group, or in front of a classroom of students who desire to perceive and observe the Source in the Ætheric Field that has been noted by the physicists in the scientific community  (see Science - Religion - The Ætheric Field Mind).   The requirements for both groups who seek this essential knowledge of the Source which has been equally noted by physicist-scholars and mystics alike, is exactly the same.   Modern physicists and mystics alike have attested to the fact that what we see and observe with our physical senses is a type of projected image -- almost an incomplete shadow-image -- of an unseen Source.   Therefore, if the objective is to perceive the Source in the unseen of what we perceive with our physical senses -- and our perceptive limitations are the results of the limitations imposed upon us by the Natural Laws of Creation -- then both groups must be able to fulfill the requirements of the Laws, before they would be able to pass the test of the Laws, and evolve to the next level that would permit them to perceive a greater reality of the Source.    In the same way that a person can't declare themselves to be a mystic with their words, and suddenly be able to perceive the Source of the images we see, neither can a physicist who is also seeking to perceive the Source.   Thus, the requirements are exactly the same with respect to the Natural Laws that inhibit mankind from perceiving the Source of what we see in this world.  
That a person declares themselves to be a student of science and physics, does not provide them the ability to perceive the reality of the Ætheric Field that is the unseen Source of what man perceives with his physical senses (see Science - Religion - The Ætheric Field Mind).   In like manner, that a seeker declares themselves to be a Christian, does not in any manner provide them the ability to see the Source of what the physicist has only recently discovered.   Yet, not only could the historical man Jesus perceive the Source, he had the ability to move into the Source -- and he taught his disciples how to accomplish everything that he could do.    The fact that the religious world does not know this today, is largely due to the corruption of the scriptures (see ).   And because the original disciples and followers of Jesus had the ability to perceive the unseen that is the Source of what we see, the religious and secular authorities in their time-frame hunted them down and murdered them.   And over the course of the centuries since, anyone who actually followed Jesus' instructions and succeed in developing these innate abilities, were very quickly silenced as heretics by religious and secular authorities alike.    As an example: Giordano Bruno attempted to teach others in the universities of his day what they must do to begin to perceive in the unseen Source of what we see, and he was put on trial for heresy, and burnt at the stake (see Spiritual Religion).   For over a thousand years the secular religion of Pagan Rome which worshiped the Mithraic-Christ reigned supreme -- and, as stated in the Jesuit Oath, those who disagreed with their dogma were exterminated:  "Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope.  He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated" (Oath of the Jesuit Order).   That the Spiritual Christians were hunted down as heretics, is easily proven.  
The perceptive limitations imposed upon mankind are a matter of Natural Law.   What this means is that every person is equally born blind, to what the modern physicist and mystic of the past portray as the Source in the Ætheric Field.   Why?   Because the Laws are imposed equally upon all of mankind, and there exists a universal means to overcome these Laws, which enables the person to perceive both the Source in the Ætheric Field, and the shadow-images that are projected into this world.   But herein lies the Universal dilemma -- i.e., this more enlightened and evolved reality portrayed in the Gospel teaching can only be comprehended by those who fulfill the Laws and attain the necessary manifestation of Wholeness.   But isn't this also the primary objective of our colleges and universities?   Aren't they working to raise the consciousness of their students, evolve their thinking, and open the door to a higher state of mental enlightenment?   And herein, also, lies the universal dilemma: True mental enlightenment can only be achieved by prevailing over those conditions which subject man to ignorance -- and the condition of ignorance that plagues mankind, is a matter of Natural Law that must be overcome by the individual in search of Higher Truth.  An interesting observation was made by astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, who was the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies who wrote in his book, God and the Astronomers, that “The scientist has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”   There is only one way to scale the mountains of ignorance, and that is to prevail over the Natural Laws that inhibit man from perceiving the Source of what he sees in this world.    The historical man Jesus possessed this knowledge of the Natural Laws -- he conveyed this knowledge to his inner core of disciples and followers -- but the Gentile Church threw it away, and even outlawed this body of essential knowledge.   While only now has science emerged out of the Dark Ages to the degree where they once again can use this body of (esoteric) knowledge, the Church remains in the dungeon of abject ignorance.  


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