Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Friday, July 29, 2016

Should Islam Have Constitutional Religious Rights?

Islam has no teaching to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God.  In fact, the Qur'an teaches to cut off the head of Casar, and whoever opposes the tenets of Islam.  Islam is in the process of taking over Europe, with the United States next on its list.  All Muslims who are faithful to Islam, believe the Qur'an supersedes the Constitution -- and the Qur'an openly rejects our Constitutional Bill of Rights and Freedom of Religion.  

Quoting CNN Politics (see ): The father of a Muslim-American soldier who was killed in the Iraq War delivered a passionate appeal at the Democratic National Convention for voters to support Hillary Clinton, accusing Republican Donald Trump of sacrificing "nothing" and "smearing the character" of religious minorities like his family.   Khizr Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, 27, died from a suicide bombing in Baghdad 12 years ago, said that if Trump is able to follow through on his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country, his late son never would have been able to come to serve the country in the military. The Khans, a Muslim family, immigrated to the United States from the United Arab Emirates. 

Mr. Khan then preached the right of liberty and religious freedom out of the Bill of Rights as an inherent right for Muslims as well as all other religions.   And while on the surface this may seem to be correct, the question must be posed: When a religion is the expression of a theocratic secular institution that demands and requires all people to be in adherence to its quasi-religious secular laws and tenets -- even using Sharia based secular/religious courts to rule over the lives of all people that fall under or even near its umbrella of influence -- does such a quasi-religious theocratic secular system have the same Constitutional Rights as what is embodied in the word religion as a personal system of belief incorporating total separation of church and state?  In the same way that Islam cannot be defined as a religion in the common Constitutional meaning of the word, the fact that the Qur'an requires adherence to a theocratic secular universal (sharia) law that supersedes all laws and statutes instituted by man -- including the Bill of Rights and the Constitutional framework of the the United States -- the question must be posed whether Islam has the same Constitutional Rights and Liberties as what would constitute a non-secular pure religion that operates within the Constitutional framework and boundaries?  If sharia law and the Qur'an which is its source, is of a higher order than the Constitution, then a claim cannot be made to secure Rights under the Constitution by a secular religious system that supersedes the Constitution.  Moreover, this is especially true when it is recognized that in the daily practice of Islam, all other religions, secular laws, peoples and their institutions, must be in subjugation to the Qur'an and Sharia law.   

In the article entitled The Abominable Sin Of Lying About God - WWJD? Is Trump Right? (see ), I present the case that it is an abominable sin for Christians to even portray Islam as a religion.  So in the same way that secular King Cyrus was dispatched by God to save the Jews, the position can be set forth that the secular Donald Trump has been raised up by God to not only save the Church, but also the Constitutional American way of life.   In accord with the Qur'an, a Catholic priest was beheaded on the alter while performing mass -- i.e., Quran 8:12 states: “When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”   Which means that since the Qur'an is the source of Islamic belief, practice and law, their god Allah requires this of all unbelievers.  

Under Islamic (sharia) law, all Muslims are required to hunt me down as a heretic.   And in the same way, so too is the life of every non-Muslim American threatened with the sentence of death.


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