Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible?

In response to the article by a school principal entitled: Principal: Dress codes keep girls from becoming 'sex objects', a greater number of young girls would cover up and change their ideas about casual or what has come to be known as recreational sex, if they were exposed to the consequences of why sexual immorality is condemned in the scriptures.  The following is an excerpt from copied from the subheading: Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible?.   Knowledge is Power -- and so long as young girls are shielded from the wisdom that actions have consequences -- and religious leaders fail to understand the reason why the scriptures condemn sexual immorality -- then young girls will continue in the blind manner they have been taught by our unknowing culture.      

To understand why sexual fidelity is required in the scriptures, one has to first understand to whom and for whom the scriptures are written?  Of primary importance is to understand that in most instances, sin is knowledge not lived.   Thus the statement: “That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV).   What this means is that each person's life is evaluated in accord with their personal level of advancement and knowledge i.e.,  "...From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked”.    For the vast majority of mankind, sex is not a sin, so long as it is not coerced or in any manner forced.   In the Blog article entitled Should Christians Embrace Genuine Spiritual Marriage? Civil Union vs Marriage , the case is made that sex is a natural expression, and all people have the civil right to choose their sexual partners and orientation.   But a True Marriage is a Spiritual Sacrament -- as is the sexual union within such a Marriage (see The Sacrament Of Marriage).   And as a Spiritual Sacrament, the requirements of a True Marriage is Spiritually Ordained from On High, and cannot be defined or redefined by man.   Those who fail to achieve and maintain the Requirements, cannot be participants in the Spiritual Sacrament.  
Sexual immorality is condemned in the scriptures, because it is an inhibiting factor in the development of the Union which is the foundation for the development of the higher spheres of mind that provide us access to our True-Self, as well as the Higher Source of Knowledge that mankind possesses the innate ability to tap into.  In order to evolve the mind to where we can begin to tap into this Higher Source of Knowledge that in most people lies beyond the holographic barrier within each person, the thought-impressions between the opposite polarities (male/female) must be exchanged, raised up, and again exchanged at a higher level as explained in great detail in the subheading The Esoteric Feminine Mystique.   This exchange of impressions is necessary in order to evolve the higher spheres of mind of the male/female opposites beyond the limitations of earth-frequencies.   When the Gospel of Thomas states that you must "...make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel of Thomas saying #22), it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband.   And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'".  When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she could not receive the Living Waters -- because she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18) -- we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls who are able to see into Ætheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot, are able to observe these connections to other men that inhibit a woman from having a True Husband.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she had permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.  Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking.  Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking. In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously connected to.  In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.
For the first time modern science has proven the wisdom of the mystic -- i.e., that a woman remains connected to every man she has ever had sex with -- which is noted in the recent American Journal Of Medicine article entitled: Male microchimerism in women without sons: Quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history.   Directly quoting the article it states: "Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse."   Researchers have found that any man a woman has unprotected sex with, will also permanently store their DNA with hers.   The findings have demonstrated that DNA belonging to men (detected by the presence of Y chromosomes) in women.  They could find these by taking blood samples from various body parts and brain tissue.  Male DNA can exist inside cells in women's bodies for decades. This effect was given the name microchimerism. The most studied cause of microchimerism is that originating from the male fetus into their pregnant mothers. However, women who have never been pregnant also had male DNA in their cells, and it has been concluded that this was also through sexual intercourse.  Semen contains lymphocytes and other cells of the male which can pass into the bloodstream and continue to persist inside the organs of women.   This deposit of male DNA in the woman's brain is the means by which the woman and the man maintain a connection in the physical -- enabling the thought impressions to connect on an etheric level.   Writing on the foregoing sexual reality that modern science is only now coming to discover, Alanna Ketter wrote the following:
I find this extremely fascinating because a spiritual friend and mentor once told me that every time you sleep with somebody you are taking on a part of them within you. I thought of this as a powerful metaphor, that we were keeping a part of them energetically. Needless to say, it made me reflect on certain things from my past and this whole analogy really made a lot of sense. But, to learn that there is actual scientific proof to back this up and that it is a physical thing, that it is more than just energy, is pretty astounding. The idea that as women we are capable of taking on actual physical DNA from the men that we sleep with was an extremely eye opening piece of information to stumble across.
This science puts a whole new meaning on sexual intercourse as a whole. It is a very sacred and spiritual act and, in my opinion, should be regarded as such. A lot of people are misusing sex and have forgotten what it is meant for and how important and consecrated it really is. I think I speak for a lot of women out there in saying that I know what this is like and have had experiences in the past with giving away sex somewhat freely because of insecurity, or to please or impress a man without actually even realizing how irresponsible this was. Because at the time, it was just sex, and when you are completely disconnected from yourself, it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. Now being older and more connected to my spiritual self I realize that sex is not something that is meant to be thrown around and given out so freely, it is a sacred act that creates a bond between two people that love and care about each other. It is so important for us (humanity) to realize this. There is a lot of power and amazing potential within this act and it has the ability to connect us with our true selves.
Many of us are holding onto a lot of sexual baggage from our past, and it is not my intent to make anyone regret past experiences. Rather, to let go and embrace what the past has taught us and move forward with this knowledge and consider it wisely. With this information I’m sure you will think twice about who you are ending up in bed with...
The above picture was used in one of the publications of the foregoing article by Alanna Ketter.   And while the picture attempts to portray a defiled physical woman as a sexual partner, it very well presents what can be portrayed as spiritual defilement and death by virtue of the woman being flat-lined and earth-bound by virtue of her connection to many sexual partners.  
In the magazine The Scientist the article entitled Swapping DNA In The Womb it is stated that: "The findings are the first demonstration of microchimerism—in which cells that originated in one individual integrate into the tissues of another—in the human brain, and could have implications for disease."  Concluding that: “Knowing cells are in the brain brings home the idea that we’re a little more diverse than we thought we were,” said Nelson. “So conceptually, it may be more appropriate to think of ourselves as an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”   The article then goes on an explains that: "Researchers have suspected that the human brain may harbor microchimeric cells, which are present in other human organs, and previous studies in mice have shown that such foreign cells can break through the blood-brain barrier. But the study, led by Lee Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, revealed that microchimeric cells could not only migrate to the brain, but do so frequently: more than 60 percent of autopsied brains contained DNA from another individual.  ...To quantify microchimerism in the brain, Nelson and colleagues selectively looked for a gene found on the Y chromosome in brain sections from 59 female cadavers. ...In total, the researchers found that 37 women harbored such foreign genes in their brains. They also found evidence of cells in the brain, suggesting that microchimeric cells can and do cross the blood-brain barrier."
That the DNA of a husband begins to deposit and even merge with that of his wife, is of the utmost importance in the process of bonding that enables the two to become "one flesh".   But when a women can be portrayed " an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”, such a body-environment where a woman is connected to a number of previous sexual partners, is detrimental to the two becoming "one flesh".   Thus, inhibiting the alchemical transformational process presented in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said to them, "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom."   And to the woman who had been caught in adultery, Jesus said: "Go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11).   Why?   Because a woman who is connected to many male sexual partners -- making herself " ecosystem" where the DNA of past sexual partners has joined with her own -- will have great difficulty joining with a husband, and therefore cannot fulfill the biological role of the two becoming "one flesh".   
From the perspective of the mystic Samael Aun Weor (see Gnostic Teachings - What Is Adultery?): "Since a woman’s body is a passive and receptive element, it is clear that her body collects and stores more of the results of the sexual acts than all of those men who commit adultery with her; those results are atomic substances from the men with whom she has had sexual intercourse. Therefore, when someone has sexual intercourse with a person who has been with another partner or other partners, both then absorb the atomic essences of the other partners and poison themselves with them. This is a very grave problem for those brothers and sisters who are dissolving the “I” because then, not only do they have to fight against their own errors and defects, but more over, they have to fight against the errors and defects of those other partners with whom they had sexual intercourse."   And this is why the scriptures state: "And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man's wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10).   And why it is written: "Three evil deeds [that create suffering] depending upon the body are: killing, stealing, and committing adultery." (Buddha, from The Practice of Dhyâna).   "Adultery can be committed with the eyes" - (Jewish, Leviticus Rabba 23)   "Commit no adultery. This law is broken by even looking at the wife of another with a lustful mind" - Buddha.   "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" - Jesus, in Matthew 5.      An interesting position is presented in confirmation of the above in the publication Hinduism Today in the article on A Mystical View Of Adultery where it states:
The adulteress has a karma to bear that affects many generations of her relatives and friends, for she is psychically connected to every man with whom she has had intercourse. A mystic could see a fog-like psychic tube connecting their astral bodies that will not disintegrate for many years. The adulteress may have many of these tubes, especially if she is a woman for hire. A man is connected in the same way to all women he has been with. It is through these psychic tubes, which are like the umbilical cord connecting a baby to its mother, that the energies flow, and the karmas as well--good, bad and mixed.

A husband and wife who were both virgins at marriage have only a singular psychic tube through which energies pass between them. If their relationship is pure and they are intellectually and emotionally compatible, they automatically control their karmas of dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Their children are lovingly raised, because they are never entangled in family feuding. There is no fight involved, because no intruder has established a new psychic umbilical cord with either spouse, which would cause disruption between them and impending havoc to the children.

Once an astral, psychic tube is established between two people through sexual encounters, it becomes a telepathic channel, conveying thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is an important connection for married couples, tying them intimately together. Those who are married and have fidelity know that it is possible to feel the spouse's moods and emotions and even read his or her thoughts, all of which are conveyed through this psychic laser beam or subtle astral pranic channel. For those who have had sexual encounters with several of the opposite sex, the psychic connections become confusing. It would be like watching four, five or more TV programs at the same time, all day long and especially during the night. Small wonder they experience stress of which the cause eludes even the best psychiatrists.
In addition to the above, modern science has recognized what can be called the "bonding hormone" in the form of the secretion of oxytocin when a woman hugs with a man.  "It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say," said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. "It creates feelings of calm and closeness" (see The Effects Of Oxytocin).    Thus, the Britannica states that "Oxytocin and its receptors also play a role in pro-social behaviours, including in social motivation, social recognition, trust, and pair-bonding" -- and hugging and close interaction, is an integral part of the pair-bonding sexual process.   In the article at Your Hormones, it states that "More recently, oxytocin has been suggested to be an important player in social behaviour.  In the brain, oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has been shown to be important in human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, anxiety and mother-infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle chemical’."   The foregoing provokes the question:  What is it that you want out of life?  Quoting from the article The Real Meaning Of Help Meet:

In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".   Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains, “According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”  Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining, "The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "

 From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as personified in the allegorical account of Eve,  is man's (Adam) most immediate savior.   She not only Completes him,  but she has the unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind.   Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young female was always chaperoned.   To the wise and spiritually enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an immeasurable importance.   Again quoting Beverly Campbell: "Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him'.”   When a woman permits herself to become attached to a number of men, this "saving power" is greatly diminished, and she can no longer fulfill her intended role.   Thus, the woman that has permitted herself to become spiritually polluted through many connections with men other than her husband, can no longer garner her feminine power that enables her to Complete and Raise Up her husband -- and in the process, Completing herself Spiritually.   A woman who is attached to other men, cannot fulfill the dynamic spiritual role of the feminine within the construct of the Laws of Creation.   And while this may appear extreme by modern cultural standards where casual and hookup sex has become a part of the recreational sex environment, the reality of life is seen in the fact that choices have consequences.  There is a reason why the Bible condemns fornication and adultery -- and not to understand that reason, is to become entrapped in a condition of spiritual ignorance.  If what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.      
In the same way that the embryo which formed each persons physical body was made up of the ovum and sperm that became ONE in their mother's womb, when rightly understood this world is merely the next higher level of womb -- i.e., a mental womb. And much of this is explained at The Esoteric Feminine Mystique. That you enter this world as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm, means that at best you are only one third of the whole -- and the purpose of sex is to connect up the two halves on this plane (man and woman) so the higher reality of the Third-Force that is formed by the joining of the two can be brought about on a higher-plane. And with the interaction of the opposites (male/female spheres of mind), this has the potential to form and manifest what can be portrayed as a morphic field where the two are not only made "one flesh", but that the higher areas of mind and being can form and evolve the relationship (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth).  When the man and woman live in a Divine Union, then there is an exchange, interaction and raising up of the minds as the higher mental spheres develop and connect the person you are in this world with your higher soul-self.  But in order for this to happen, the man and woman must interact on all levels of their being -- as equal and united halves.  If the woman is connected to a man other than her husband, then this interaction of the spheres of mind is not possible -- and the vital life-force is lost into nature.  In the case of a man, these other women are as dependents that drain him of his vital life-force -- rather than reflect and raise him up as with a true wife.   And thus, because this necessary interaction of opposites cannot take place, the  remain flat-lined. I expanded upon this process to some degree on the Know Thyself article under the heading The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Being.


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