Linear vs Intuitive Development Of The Mind
Linear vs Intuitive Development Of The Mind (see ).
From the perspective of
the development of mind
as patterned in the Tree
of Life, the mind and
consciousness of mankind
is limited by the
interaction of the
Male-Linear and
Spheres of Mind -- which
have the potential to
bring together the
paradoxical opposes of
the higher spiritual and
lower earthly Centers of
Mind and Being --
merging the Four
Trinities that make up
the mind in the Center
were the next stage of
birth is initiated.
And when this
interaction of
male/female is
understood, only then
can we begin to
understand woman as the
"help-meet" and primary
savior of man (see
Woman As Man's Help-Meet
And Savior ).
And where the scriptures
reject sexual immorality
-- including Jesus who
condemned adultery (see
Sexual Immorality ),
is because sexual
interaction between a
husband and wife in a
Divine Union has the
capacity to initiate the
development of mind
through the process of
deepening and expanding
man's consciousness
beyond the
Animal-Soul Level Of
Which provokes
the question: While
male and female unions
are as common as man and
woman, why don't these
unions initiate the next
stage of birth which the
mystics make reference
to? Because the union
must not be limited to
the physical -- but
rather, the dynamic
interaction of mind and
spirit in a state of
absolute harmony that is
able to raise the two up
to a higher level of
being. Thus, together
the husband and wife
must seek to Know Self
-- i.e., their true self
-- while seeking Truth
and the Inner Kingdom.
Why? The answer is
rather simple -- quoting
from the subheading
The Intuitive Mind Vs
The Linear-Rational:
In the introduction to
the book
Secrets of Mary
Magdalene, Prof.
Elain Pagels writes and
quotes the Gospel of
Simultaneously, the
Gospel of Philip
celebrates Mary
Magdalene as manifesting
the divine spirit, which
this gospel calls the
“virgin who came down”
from heaven. When
Christians spoke of
Jesus “born from a
virgin,” this author
agrees—but refuses to
take it literally. So
some people, he says,
take this literally to
mean that Jesus’ mother
became pregnant apart
from any man, apart from
sexual intercourse. But
this, he says, is the
“faith of fools”
who fail to comprehend
spiritual matters
(although, as we note,
it can be seen in the
birth narratives offered
in the New Testament
gospels of Matthew and
Luke). Instead,
continues the Gospel of
Philip, Jesus was born
physically, just as all
humans, as the son of
biological parents. The
difference, says the
author of this gospel,
that he was also “born
again” in baptism--born
spiritually to become
the son of the Father
above, and of the
heavenly Mother, the
Holy Spirit.
That one of the primary
objectives of this life
which we are presently
living is to bring about
and achieve the next
stage of birth -- a
non-physical birth which
is allegorically
portrayed as a
Virgin Birth --
should be of primary
importance to all
In the same way that
Peter as representing
the (male)
linear-rational spheres
of mind states of the
intuitive visions and
wisdom of Mary
"...These are certainly
strange ideas",
it is a fact that it is
the lopsided development
of what Einstein
portrayed as the
linear-rational servant
that inhibits the
development of the
intuitive-gift -- i.e.,
as seen in Einstein's
statement that
“The only thing that
interferes with my
learning is my
Without the balanced
development of the
intuitive spheres of
mind, the
linear-rational spheres which
only senses outwardly,
arrives at a point where
it becomes what can be
portrayed as flat-lined
-- which in turn
inhibits the further
development of the
linear rational servant
from itself maturing
beyond organic
An interesting statement
was made by Niels Bohr,
the renowned physicist
who once responded to
his son's complaints
about the obtuse nature
of certain concepts in
physics by saying
(Quoted from
The Monroe Institute Of
Applied Sciences):
"'You are not
thinking, you are merely
being logical.' The
physics of altered human
consciousness deals with
some conceptualizations
that are not easily
grasped or visualized
exclusively in the
context of ordinary
'left brain' linear
thinking. So, to borrow
Dr. Bohr's mode of
expression, parts of
this paper will require
not only logic but a
touch of right brain
intuitive insight to
achieve a complete
comfortable grasp of the
concepts involved.
Nevertheless, once that
is done, I am confident
that their construction
and application will
stand up to the test of
rational critique." And
herein lies the great
obstacle to human
development that
don't at all understand
-- i.e., the reality
that the linear
programming of the mind
which is the agenda of
our educational systems
-- including the reading
of books and traditional
study -- only serves to
inhibit the development
of the intuitive spheres
of mind -- and it is the
lack of balance between
the inward looking
intuitive and the
outward looking
linear-rational that
inhibits the development
of the mind beyond a
certain very shallow
organic physical level
of maturity (see
Consciousness). Further,
what we are presented
with are a number of
paradoxes that have
confronted man since he
first stepped foot on
the earth. Thus, these
proverbial questions
must be confronted: Is
the mind of a child
empty? Or, does a
great source of
knowledge already exist
within the mind of the
child that must be
tapped into? Do you
instruct a child through
rote programming in the
manner of our
educational systems
today? Or do you guide
the child into an
environment of
Contrary to the popular
misuse of the scriptures
which are not at all
historical accounts --
but rather allegorical
accounts of mind and
consciousness that
employ symbols and
catalysts to connect the
person we are in this
world with our Inner
Knowing Self using the
process of
Anamnesis -- i.e., The
Innate Knowledge Of The
Truth Of All Truths:
Yet, our spiritually
religions and our
faux-educational systems
inhibit the development
of the Intuitive Spheres
of Mind that are
necessary to evolve the
mind beyond the level of
The problem is seen in
the fact that the
linear-rational servant
can only look outwardly
-- and not only remains
totally ignorant of an
inner reality that it is
blind to -- but it
demands that all of
mankind ignore and even
reject the higher causal
reality that can only be
sensed and understood
through the development
of the intuitive centers
of mind. Like the tip
of the proverbial
iceberg, what is
observed protruding out
of the water is very
small in relation to the
immense body of ice that
is beyond man's normal
scope of vision lying
beneath the water
line. And because our
culture and linear
learning environment
actually inhibits the
development of the
intuitive, it remains
atrophied and latently
embryonic and
immature. This is seen
in the fact that when
the leaders of the Jews
(Pharisees) asked Jesus
when the Kingdom of God
would come upon the
earth in the manner that
they believed it would,
he told them that it
would never come upon
the earth so as to be
seen with their eyes
(that look outwardly),
because the Kingdom
already exists within
them (see
) -- and it is accessed
through the development
of the intuitive spheres
of mind that are
positioned to look
inwardly -- which then
must be balanced with
the outward looking
rational linear in order
to achieve the evolved
and transformed Oneness
that Jesus stated was
required to enter the
Inner Kingdom.
The proper development
of the mind to break the
natural barrier of
what can be called
organic human
limitations, is
dependent upon the
interaction of the
linear and intuitive
spheres of mind. But
when the intuitive
perception is inhibited,
and development is
suppressed, even the
linear is flat-lined
from any development
beyond what is portrayed
in the Gospels as carnal
and restricted
consciousness. The
linear mind of man
remains limited in its
development, because the
intuitive remains
infantile and shackled
in a captive environment
where it is only
permitted to express
itself in linear terms.
While the inward looking
intuitive has the
potential to access
higher consciousness and
states of mind and
being, it is unable to
arise to its intended
potential because of the
shackles placed upon it
by a thoroughly
domineering and
controlling linear
culture. Like a woman
who in many Islamic
cultures are forced to
dwell in an imprisoned
world beneath a Burka --
not permitted to openly
express herself except
when accompanied by a
male relative -- totally
deprived of the ability
to openly speak on her
own behalf -- the
natural expression of
the intuitive mind has
been so impeded by our
linear-driven culture,
that it has remained
undeveloped and
unreliable as a resource
Opening And Unlocking
the Mind). Because
the male-linear as
portrayed as the
portrayal of Peter takes
the position that
"...These are certainly
strange ideas",
when the perceptions of
the feminine-intuitive
is encountered, the
merger of impressions
can never be brought
about -- thus,
flat-lining the union at
a very low-self carnal
perception of man's true
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