Reincarnation - The Key To Christianity
Reincarnation -- The Key To Christianity -- the removal of which makes it impossible for the modern Christian to learn from the indwelling Logos -- and to comprehend the Spiritual meaning of the scriptures.
At the below subject links, I demonstrate that the Christian world is still functioning from an Old Covenant mode and mindset that has flat-lined their mental and spiritual development. I explore the teaching on the Logos/Son of God/True Prophet that MUST be their only Teacher in order to be a follower of Jesus. And I demonstrate why it is impossible for Christians to receive the Divine Manna of the Kingdom from the True Prophet. I restore the teachings on the "child" that the Church removed from the Gospels, and explain why the Christian world has banished themselves in a spiritual diaspora of abject ignorance where they remain shackled by the Citizen of the Far Country. The Church removed and suppressed the teaching on the child that each follower of Jesus must become to gain entrance into the Kingdom. Once the teaching on the children is restored, it is impossible to become a child by merely calling upon the name of Jesus as one's personal lord and savior. But because the foundational paradigm of the modern Church had been built upon a gravely flawed man-made doctrine -- a doctrine that ignored and suppressed the teaching on the children which they removed from the canonical gospels -- the modern Christian can't be taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet -- and it remains impossible for faith-based believers to function in a New Covenant mode and spiritual environment.

The Two Ways - New vs Old Covenants
The True Prophet
Christians Blocked From Being Taught By Indwelling Logos
Turn About And Become As a Child
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