Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Entering The Consecrated Temple


Entering The Consecrated Temple

Manly P. Hall wrote with respect to the Temple:   “In ancient times many years of preparation were required before the neophyte was permitted to enter the temple of the Mysteries. In this way the shallow, the curious, the faint of heart, and those unable to withstand the temptations of life were automatically eliminated by their inability to meet the requirements for admission. The successful candidate who did pass between the pillars entered the temple, keenly realizing his sublime opportunity, his divine obligation, and the mystic privilege which he had earned for himself through years of special preparation.”

Entering the Temple was an allegorical portrayal of entering the Temple within you. In fact, the whole of the Old Testament is in reality the Transformation of the body-vessel into the Living Consecrated Temple that permitted the seeker to enter through the inner "narrow strait gate" and gain entrance to the Inner Kingdom. If our biblical translators were to translate the names properly, Jesus is the equivalent of Yeshua or Joshua -- and in the same way that Joshua was the reality and vibration of mind necessary to lead the Children of Israel into the Promised Land -- Joshua (Yeshua/Jesus) is representative of that reality of mind necessary to gain entrance into the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21). What is portrayed in the scriptures as animal sacrifice, is the transformation of man's lower animal nature into a perfect lamb that is necessary to build the Final Temple. Quoting from The Final Temple

Quotation From Under the Heading of: What Is The Holy Temple?
The Final Temple: With the destruction of the Second Temple, G-d changed His mode of interaction with the universe. Until the destruction, the Temple was the window to G-d; spirituality had a physical home in Jerusalem. The Kohanim offered the daily sacrifices, the daily routines went uninterrupted, daily personal prayer was redundant. With the destruction, G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place... We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us. With the destruction, G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place. He took that window and placed it within us. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, G-d wanted us to find Him in our inner Jerusalem. Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices three times a day, but we can pray three times a day. We cannot attend Temple services three times a day, but we can tap into our souls three times a day. We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us. This was G-d’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach.

The above words taken directly from, represents one of the most profound spiritual insights that must be acknowledged by the leaders of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. That carnal Jews did not understand the allegorical nature of their scriptures -- and in not understanding the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, they built a shadow temple in the outer world where they sacrificed innocent animals is why Jesus portrayed the leaders of the Jews as the "devil's spawn" (see The Devil's Spawn ). And that the carnal Jews observed the Law outward in ritual and human tradition, is one of the primary reasons why the historical Yeshua opposed the religious authorities of his day. And it is this inner reality of a Holy of Holies where one's own carnal nature must be sacrificed, is openly acknowledgement in the fulfillment of the inauguration of the New Covenant: "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Heb 8:10-11). Yet, the Jews have been inhibited from acknowledging this fact that they can only allude to in the above statement which is confirmed in the Epistle to the Hebrews, because a great number of the Gentile converts were too heathen and pagan to comprehend the Gospel teachings of TheWay, and the Church of Constantine embraced the idolatry of declaring Jesus to be God Incarnate -- thereby worshiping their elder spiritual brother, instead of imitating his example and building their own Consecrated Temple.











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