Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Eyewitness Account - Suppresion Of Gospel Teachings

The Suppression Of The Teachings Of Jesus

The Only Eyewitness Account -- see  

The meme is correct: The teachings of Jesus disappeared in the first century. And when rightly understood, the Roman Empire was not converted to the religion of Jesus -- but rather, the personage and image of Jesus was converted to Mithraism -- and it is easy to prove and demonstrate that even the name Christian is drawn directly from Mithraicism. Today we call ourselves by the Greek word Christian -- but have we ever questioned where the term originated? If modern believers were truly sincere in their desire for a more intimate relationship with the Lord, they would immediately want to know the answer to the question as to why the "early believers avoided" using the name Christian? The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge confirms that the name "originated outside of Christian and Jewish circles". Thus, when rightly understood, a religious group that was outside the teachings of the Gospels, portrayed themselves as Christian, prior to the advent of Jesus and the Gospel teachings. And the original followers of Jesus rejected the name Christian, because the Gospel teachings have virtually nothing in common with the teachings of those who called themselves Christian.

The meme portrays Paul as overriding and replacing the teachings of the Gospel with his own theology. But to begin to understand why the Ebionite followers of Jesus condemned and rejected Paul, you must first understand that the Epistles attributed to Paul were Christian -- meaning they were composed in accord with the religion of Mithraism. To some degree this fact is noted in the Encyclopedia Britannica where it writes: “In calling Paulinism 'Christocentric', one raises the question as to its relation to the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus... how far he unconsciously modified the Gospel by making Christ its subject matter rather than its revealer.... Paul... put all into so fresh a perspective as to change the relative emphasis on points central to the teaching of Jesus, and so alter its spirit. A school of writers, by no means unappreciative of Paul as they understand him, of whom W. Wrede may be taken as example, answer that Paul so changed Christianity as to become its 'second founder' - the real founder of ecclesiastical Christianity as distinct from the Christianity of Jesus. They say, 'either Jesus or Paul' it cannot be both at once’”.

The dilemma can be understood when we answer the question: Why did the Apostle Peter and the other disciples of Jesus reject Paul? Under the heading of Simon Magus in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica it states pertaining to the writings attributed to Clement, the disciple of Peter, in the Homilies: “…the common source of these documents may be as early as the 1st century, and must have consisted in a polemic against Paul, emanating from the Jewish side of Christianity. Paul being thus identified with Simon, it was argued that Simon's visit to Rome had no other basis than Paul's presence there, and, further, that the tradition of Peter's residence in Rome rests on the assumed necessity of his resisting the arch-enemy of Judaism there as elsewhere”.  The problem is that the Church has successfully suppressed the Clementine Homilies and the Acts of Peter (see (The Acts Of The Nazirenes @  ),

The original followers of Jesus rejected the Epistles attributed to Paul as a polemic opposing the Gospel teachings on the spiritual meaning of the Law, because the Epistles were based upon the tenets of Christian-Mithraism. Of the Ebionites it was noted by the early Church writer Irenaeus: "Those who are called Ebionites agree that the world was made by God... they use the Gospel of Matthew only, and repudiate the Apostle Paul, maintaining that he was an apostate from the Law." But exactly what does this mean? The author of the Pauline Epistles was himself a Christian -- i.e., a Mithraic Initiate who was seeking the Christ-Consciousness. A very large number of the Gentiles saw Jesus as the latest incarnation of the Mithraic sun-god who is born on Dec. 25th, and resurrected on Easter (Ishtar). They therefore interpreted the Gospel rejection of the Jews as both a rejection of Judaism, and the confirmation of Mithraic-Christianity as the valid teachings. When it was pointed out by the Ebionite followers of Jesus that Paul was making reference to the Cosmic-Christ of Mithraism, the Gentiles inserted the name Jesus wherever the author of the Pauline Epistles made reference to Christ-Consciousness -- as stated in the words: “Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according o the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor 5:16).   This Spiritual Messiah/Christ, over the historical Messiah/Christ in the flesh, was what biblical scholar Rudolf Bultmann was speaking of when he concluded that the “…Christian faith is, and should be, comparatively uninterested in the historical Jesus and centered instead on the transcendent Christ” (Encyclopedia Britannica).

As with all scriptures, the Book of Acts is not representative of historical accounts -- i.e., the scriptures represent allegorical mental-accounts that must be brought about within the mind of the seeker (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures  ). What is therefore portrayed in the conversion of Paul in the Book of Acts, was an allegorical account that was not at all historical. Thus, the disciple begins to see his own transformation from the death of Stephen as spirit becoming clothed with flesh, to Saul the Jew, who became converted to Paul (name meaning a little one), whose blindness was healed by Ananias -- the name meaning the gift from God. (see The Spiritual Meaning And Fulfillment Of The Law  ). And the Mithraic-Christians interpreted the account of Paul in the Book of Acts, as portraying the validity of their own teachings of the Cosmic-Christ over the Law of the Jews. And therein lied the problem -- i.e., to become Anointed, the seeker must fulfill the Natural Laws of Creation. Unlike the Jews who observed the Law outwardly in ritual and tradition, Jesus taught the Spiritual meaning of the Law -- how the Natural Laws are fulfilled -- and how the believer/seeker must fulfill the Law to become Anointed (see Jesus Taught To Become The Christ  ).  Thus, when the Ebionites made reference to the (Natural) Law, it was a rejection of the ritual Law of the Jews as Jesus taught them. But the Gospel teachings was also a rejection of the Cosmic-Christ of Christian-Mithraism as presented in the Epistles attributed to Paul. In the book Christ or Paul?, the Rev. V.A. Holmes-Gore wrote: "Let the reader contrast the true Christian standard with that of Paul and he will see the terrible betrayal of all that the Master taught. For the surest way to betray a great Teacher is to misrepresent his message. That is what Paul and his followers did, and because the Church has followed Paul in his error it has failed lamentably to redeem the world. ...The teachings given by the blessed Master Christ, which the disciples John and Peter and James, the brother of the Master, tried in vain to defend and preserve intact were as utterly opposed to the Pauline Gospel as the light is opposed to the darkness."  

The Essene, Ebionite Nazirenes are the only people who walked and talked with Jesus daily, and they are therefore the only eyewitnesses to the actual teaching of Jesus that in their conversations with him, he fully explained the meaning of those teachings to them.  In the first century, all believers and followers of Jesus were known as Ebionites -- meaning the "poor one's". Thus, the early Church Authority Epiphanius writes that the name Ebionite "...was at first ...a common name for all" the original followers of Jesus (Epiphanius Adv. Haer., xxix. 1).  It must be noted that the mother and family of Jesus were all Ebionites -- as was his brother Jacob who they call James, who was the leader of the Ebionite Community.   In the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon notes that the teachings of Jesus was “…embraced by great numbers of the Therapeutae, or Essinians…”, and wrote that: “Le Clerc (Hist. Ecclesiast p. 477, 535) seems to have collected from Eusebius, Jerome, Epiphanius, and other writers, all the principle circumstances that relate to the Nazarenes or Ebionites. The nature of their opinions soon divided them into a stricter and milder sect; and ...the family of Jesus remained members ...of the latter and more moderate party”.   Today, these same original followers and disciples of Jesus are portrayed by the modern Church as heretics, because both their teachings and their eyewitness accounts has virtually nothing in common with what modern Christians believe.  Why are the Ebionites portrayed as heretics?  Because they maintained the need to observe and fulfill the Law of God as Jesus taught them.  Yet, a footnote in the Biblehub article (see  ) entitled The Heresy of the Ebionites states: "The Ebionites were not originally heretics. Their characteristic was the more or less strict insistence upon the observance of the Jewish law...".   If the Ebionites were not originally considered heretics in their insistence on the need to observe and fulfill the Law as Jesus taught, then it is crucial for every believer to seriously evaluate this issue.  Because the gentiles did not understand the spiritual meaning of the Law -- confusing it with the allegorical tenets of the Law of Moses -- a large segment of the Gentile converts were unable to understand the teachings of Jesus on how the Law must be fulfilled.  That the Ebionites had been taught and enlightened by Jesus as to the spiritual meaning of the Law, and they did not observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition in the manner of the Jews, is the reason why the early Christian author Epiphanius wrote that the Ebionites "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   That the Gentiles did not understand the Law, and the Jews threw away the Key of Knowledge in their outward interpretations (see Application Of The Key Of Knowledge  ), has immersed both Jew and Christian alike in ignorance of the purpose and objective of the Original Gospel teachings -- i.e., “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire,

 Quoted From Christ Before Jesus






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