Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Born Congenital Liars? Is This True Of Barack Obama?

While taking a drive, I turned Rush Limbaugh on to see what he was stating.   And after his analysis of the great body of misinformation that is being promoted by the administration with respect to the Sept. 11th 2012 Libyan terrorist attack on the US Consulate, Mr. Limbaugh portrayed Barack Obama as a "serial liar".    Barack Obama of course dwells in an alternative mental reality where he envisions the terrorists repenting from their evil on the mere basis that he is a persuasive talker who has apologized to them.   And to maintain the fabricated walls of his alternative mental reality, Barack Obama has attempted to blame a utube video which portrays the cruel reality of the Mohammed Impersonators (see Obama's Chickens Have Come Home To Roost).   And thus, Barack Obama's refusal to portray these evil men as terrorists, has more to do with Obama's own past that he sits in judgment of.

Mr. Limbaugh then gave his statement greater thought, and he then suggested that if this seemed too extreme for some listeners, he would revise his position and instead portray Barack Obama as a "delusional liar".   Which he defined as: One who perpetually repeats lies and untruths -- and in so doing creates within his mind an alternative reality where he sees these fabrications as being true.   Yet, if Rush understood the Laws which our Constitutional Framers portrayed as the Laws of Nature And Nature's God that all of mankind is subject to (see American Spirituality), he would become enlightened to the fact that he(Rush)  is wrong -- and the proper understanding would be that Barack Obama is a "congenital liar".    The difference being that the fabrication of untruths is part of Barack Obama's Spiritual DNA.   Which thus raises the question: Just what constitutes Spiritual DNA that can be traced in a parallel manner to physical DNA?   And in view of the fact that we are a mere 40 days or so from the next election where -- as Justice John Roberts has acknowledged -- Choices have Consequences beyond most people's understanding, it would save the American People great suffering and hardships if they came to understand the meaning of (1) the Laws of Nature and Nature's God; (2) the relationship of Spiritual DNA to its pattern in the physical; (3) and the reality portrayed in the term "congenital liar and Spiritual DNA"!!!

While Rush Limbaugh likes to portray himself as the Maja-Rushie who has a 99% accuracy, in his assessment of Barack Obama and the perpetual propagation of misinformation that pours forth out of Obama's mouth, Rush Limbaugh's assessment is falling far short from the actual truth.    But because Rush Limbaugh does not possess the understanding of the Laws as did our Constitutional Framers did, his assessment falls far short of the mark.   And while the Christian world is supposed to understand these Natural Laws which all of mankind are subject to, they too fall far short of the mark because they cling to the dogma of Roman Pagan Emperors (see The Corruption Of The Church), while rejecting the Original Gospel Teachings of Jesus and TheWay.    Resulting in the fact that the Church has permitted itself to become so spiritually impotent, that it can no longer assist conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh to understand the true reality of what is going on in the present (see The Spiritual Castration Of The Church).    And because the Church has exiled itself in a Spiritual Diaspora of its own making, not only has our modern hedonist culture given birth to Marxist Christianity (see Jim Wallis - Has This Man Sold Your Soul To The Devil?), but it is easily demonstrated that the whole of their dogmatic facade is portrayed in the Gospel as "spiritual apostasy" (see Ann Coulter - The Fine Print).

Rush Limbaugh doesn't understand the difference between a liar, and one who can be portrayed as a congenital liar because of their Spiritual DNA.   Why?  Because the Church under Roman Pagan Rule, abandoned the spiritual essence of the Gospel teachings -- threw away the Key of Knowledge -- and lost the essential teachings that could only be revealed to those portrayed as being In The House with the Lord.   And thus, they have exiled themselves into a world of confusion, spiritual ignorance and blind-faith.   Lacking a true spiritual guide and shepherd, Rush therefore, does not understand Jesus' teachings on The Prison -- and that because of this imprisonment of the soul of Barack Obama, the Laws have bound him to lie to maintain his status as a worldly leader, until he breaks the cycle of imprisonment (see The Prison).   And as presented in the article Obama's Chickens Have Come Home To Roost, so too has a very large number of Obama-followers also become imprisoned by what can be portrayed as Secondary Karma (see The Secondary Effect Of The Laws).   The result is that, instead of assisting in the healing process of the soul of Barack Obama and the spiritual disease that afflicts him by confronting him with his lies, the politically correct mainstream media is maintaining Barack Obama in his condition of spiritual disease that is inflicting harm on the Nation (Image Used By Thomas Sowell In The Invincible Lie).

In not understanding what the Original Gospel portrayed as the Conditions Of One's Birth (see Conditions Of One's Birth - Life - And Death),  Rush cannot even begin to understand how long the soul of Barack Obama has been plagued by this condition that can be seen as a spiritual disease -- a condition that is the direct result of of Jesus' teachings on The Prison.    And when properly understood, all the base conditions of the flesh, are all the result of that soul's own past actions (see The Early Church On Pre-Destination).    That the vast majority of men remain totally ignorant of the previous lifetimes that their soul has lived, is because they ignore the warning of Jesus with respect to their dwelling in the "outer darkness" of Mind and Being (see Outer Darkness) -- i.e, a condition of mind and being which they must heal and overcome within themselves.  

As an example: While many Christians fail to understand it, those homosexuals are correct when they claim that God created them homosexual.    As stated in the Gospels: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).   That our present behavior and life is predetermined by our own actions in our previous lifetimes, is well represented in the original Gospel teachings as presented in the foregoing link.    And that many Christians judge what they fail to understand, can have the effect of imposing hardships on those souls in the future.    In the same way that Christians should strive to help and heal the homosexual and all those who are bound by the plagues of the flesh that Paul stated to prevail over, the American People should help and heal the soul of Barack Obama, by confronting him directly with the misinformation and lies that he promotes.   And in so doing, help the soul of Barack Obama break the shackles of being a congenital liar.

It can be said that Barack Obama has been raised up to convict complacent Christians who have chosen the dogma of Roman Pagan Emperors, over the Original Spiritual teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   To the degree that in the same way that the Apostle Peter portrayed Simon Magus as being raised up by the Laws to test the people, this account of the Laws has been modernized in the article, Obama - The Church's New Simon Magus.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obama's Chickens Have Come Home To Roost!!!

While Jesus taught that every event that transpires in this world is preordained by God (see Conditions Of Birth), the vast majority of Christians simply do not believe what the Gospels actually teach.   Why?  Modern Christians have been spiritually disenfranchised from the Core Gospel Teachings and Objectives, because they are victims of Stockholm Syndrome -- a condition where they parrot and promulgate the dogma of Pagan Roman Emperors (see The Spiritual Castration Of The Church), while ignoring core Gospel teachings.   But what Christians fail to realize is the huge price that they have paid for their spiritual infidelity.   While by Gospel Design the Christians should be the most enlightened people on the face of the earth -- able to guide the lost safely through the pitfalls and entanglements that bind and shackle them to lives of suffering and hardships -- because the Church has chosen the dogma of Roman Emperors and rejected the Original Gospel Teachings and Objectives, the Christians are themselves victims of their own self-imposed shackles of ignorance.

The pre-Nicene Church which more closely embraced the Original Gospel meaning taught that "Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life" (see Pre-Nicene Teachings).    Which can also be expressed in the words: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7 NKJ -- see Biblical Foundational Mindset).    And if these fully supported biblical teachings sound alien to the modern Christian world, it is because the whole of their dogmatic system of beliefs is in like manner alien to the Original Gospel Teachings of TheWay.

What the Gospels therefore teach is that, as Obama's soul in the past "...sowed, Obama will reap in this present lifetime".  And that this position is in fact supported by Pres. Bill Clinton as stated in past speeches, should have been more thoroughly explored in his recent speech in support of Obama (see Chickens Come Home To Roost).  Therefore, to understand how Obama's chickens have come home to roost in the present, you must first understand the preordained cause of events in the life of Barack Obama -- and the impact of Obama's more distant past that is orchestrating the events of the present (see Early Church On Predestination).   That this biblical fact is not understood by the vast majority of modern Christians, is because they reject the Gospels and cling to the dogma of Pagan Rome.   Yet, the earliest of Christians who were not shackled by secular imposed dogma, understood Jesus' teachings on the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness).    In like manner, they heeded the warning that Jesus taught with respect to The Prison -- and understood that once imprisoned, there was no escape until the conditions of one's imprisonment was resolved in accord with the Royal Law.   And while the modern Christian is under the delusion that their belief in Jesus provides them a dispensation, this whole frame-work of modern dogma is equally condemned in the New Testament as apostasy to the Kingdom (see  That in his more distant past the soul of Barack Obama incurred great debts that he has yet to resolve, means that he is at present confronting the reality of his own ghosts that have come back to haunt him -- and will continue to plague him until resolved under The Law.

The great question that Christians should rightly be able to answer for the American People is this: What is the past deeds of the soul of Barack Obama that are in the process of coming back upon him -- and by virtue of his being president, upon the American People (see Those Who Fail To Remember History Are Condemned to Repeat It)?   In this sub-chapter it is explained that Barack Obama was one of those who impersonated the original Mohammed -- corrupted Islam -- and changed it from its original spiritual essence, into a death-cult.   Quoting from Lying In Islam: "An example of Islamic deception is that Muslim activists always quote the passages of the Quran from the early part of Mohammed's ministry while living in Mecca. These texts are peaceful and exemplify tolerance towards those that are not followers of Islam. All the while, they are fully aware that most of these passages were abrogated (cancelled and replaced) by passages that came after he migrated to Medina. The replacement verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers".   Which raises the question: Was the Mecca-Mohammed who taught peace and tolerance, the same person who taught to kill those who do not ascribe to their dogmatic positions?   That this is one of the foremost crucial questions that the world is in dire need of answering, is the only possible solution to the dilemma that confronts man in this present time.

Why was there what can be portrayed as a total turn-about in the peaceful Mohammed who taught in Mecca, and the vicious conquering Mohammed who slaughtered the innocent in Medina?   Because the Mohammed in Medina was an impersonator who is today known as Barack Hussein Obama.   And on the great stage of life, Obama's chickens have come home to roost.  The radical Muslims whose practice of religion included the death and destruction of Americans, are in fact opposing the very leader and author of their tenets of religious belief as promoted by the Obama-Mohammed who corrupted the Qur'an (see The Corruption And Impersonation Of The True Prophet).    Further, Obama is now confronted by what his own past actions created in the form of radical Islam. 

The Obama-Mohammed from Medina permitted the slaughter of captives and those who surrendered, so as not to waste manpower.   In much the same way, President Obama does not want to take captives and confine them to Gitmo, so he vaporizes them and their families with predator drones.   And when understood from the perspective of Obama's more distant past, he is merely repeating his past diabolical deeds that converted the peaceful religion of Mecca-Mohammed, into the death cult of Obama-Medina Mohammed.

Thousands of Muslims converged upon the US  Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, chanting: "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama!" (see We Are All Osama).     The excuse for this latest outburst was alledgedly an Anti-Mohammed film (see Director Sam Bacile In Hiding) -- which "claims Muhammad was a fraud. An English-language 13-minute trailer on YouTube shows an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults disguised as revelations about Muhammad, whose obedient followers are presented as a cadre of goons.  It depicts Muhammad as a feckless philanderer who approved of child sexual abuse, among other overtly insulting claims that have caused outrage."  The problem is that the film fails to differentiate between the Mohammed of Mecca who restored many of the original teachings of Jesus that were suppressed by the Church (see The Necessity Of Islam) -- and makes no attempt to present The True History Of Islam -- and thus, only presents the corruptions of Islam under the Mohammed-impersonator who is presently living as Barack Hussein Obama.  

In the same way that radical Islam is an adversary to our Constitutional Freedoms and God-Given Rights, so too are all the Secular Progressive judges that Obama has appointed to the Supreme Court -- and, so too has Obama himself, who directly opposed the First Amendment (see Losing Our Religion).   And what should concern every Freedom Loving, God-Fearing American, is his statement to Russia that he will be more flexible after his re-election (see Flexible).   But who is Barack Hussein Obama?   Even in his public prayers, he promotes a Marxist Corruption of Christianity (see The Abomination Of Obama's Prayer - The Folly Of Social Justice).   But not to understand why Barack Obama was hailed as a messiah  (see Those Who Fail To Remember History Are Condemned to Repeat It), and remain dogmatically blind to the chickens of Obama that are in the process of coming home to roost -- entangling both Obama and the American People in the death-cult quagmire of Obama's past -- is to remain an ostrich with one's head in the sands of counterfeit dogma.

UPDATE: Hillary Clinton came out against the film Innocence Of Muslims stating: “To us, to me personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible. It appears to have a deeply cynical purpose: to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage” -- but what if the basis of the the video is true?   Should we hide the truth from the knowledge of the people?  Further, in view of the fact that it is both a sin and spiritual apostasy to remain silent when a corrupt death-cult promotes the doctrine that God desires the bloodshed of others, demonstrates that Hillary Clinton has absolutely no appreciation of both the First Amendment, and Higher Moral and Spiritual Standards!!!

After being corrupted, what does the Qur'an say?  Some examples taken directly from the Qur'an with respect to those outside the Muslim religion: "Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-) "Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216) "Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-) "...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-) "It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true Faith [Islam] to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters [non-Muslims] may dislike it." (Surah 9:31-) "If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-). 

Hillary's Folly: As a government representative of the American People, on what basis does Hillary pronounce judgement on the fact which this film about Mohammed presents?  The original statement condemned the right of Free Speech -- i.e., “The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions” -- but to remain silent in the shadow of the Muslim despotic image of God, is in and of itself a grave sin. Yet, those who stand up and witness to the truth are themselves portrayed as "...misguided individuals"!!!   In view of this spiritual travesty which Hillary Clinton portrays as the wisdom of "a great religion", it is a sin to remain silent and for the sake of political correctness, and affirm the heresy that God desires one group of people to murder, rape and malign those who reject such a despotic image of God as that promoted by the impostor Medina-Mohammed.  

The Pearl Of Great Price: Islam came into being to correct the corruptions of Christianity -- but once corrupted, Islam became the new face of evil in its heinous false-image of God.  The United States was brought into being so that the Truth could be told (see American Spirituality) -- and yet, the portrayal of those who speak the Truth  as "...misguided individuals", is in and of itself a corruption of Constitutional First Principles.  But the greater issue at hand, is seen in the fact that if either Christian, Muslim or Jew was to truly follow the First Principles of their own religious teachings -- the Jew making the Spiritual Journey into the Promised Land, the Christian making the Journey into the Kingdom, or the Muslim making the Journey to the Distant Mosque that is in Spiritual Mecca that is not of this world -- then they would Know the Truth that would set them Free of diabolical man-made dogma that is the root of all of man's sufferings in this world. And these are the Words of God to mankind -- and that the Truth is within man's grasp if he would only reach out and seize it, is the sin of all those who remain spiritually complacent -- refusing to remove the beam from their own eyes, while pointing to the splinters in the eyes of their brothers.

What I have written in the above can be confirmed by anyone who embraces the Original Gospel Teachings of TheWay which was taught by Jesus and confirmed by Mohammed of Mecca -- and rejected by Mohammed of Medina.   Which means that because the above can be personally confirmed by any Christian who is willing to make the Journey into the Kingdom -- or any Muslim who is willing to make the Journey to the Distant Mosque that is in Spiritual Mecca that is not of this world -- that means that the leaders of the people are personally responsible for both the atrocities wrongly committed in the name of God, as well as the prevailing ignorance with respect to the events that are transpiring on the worlds stage at present.     

Friday, September 07, 2012

Democrats Reject God - The American Downfall - Thomas Paine & The American Crisis Redux

Is America on the precipice of (self) destruction?  A precipice is a term which is used to portray going (blindly) over a cliff -- spiraling downward into a dark abyss -- or one who is dwelling on the brink of disaster.   Which possible impending doom can very much be portrayed as The Modern American Crisis Redux -- A Crisis that has the potential to cause us to suffer grave loss of virtually everything that we as Americans hold dear (see The American Crisis Today!).    Choices Have Consequences -- and the choices that are presently dividing the American People -- choices brought about by virtue of our own ignorance with respect to the Wisdom of our Constitutional Framers -- has the capacity to totally undermine the very fabric of our Nation.   The reality that confronts the American People is this: To make choices without understanding the consequences of our actions, is to render us victims of our own profound ignorance. 

An Experiment? In her recent speech at the Republican National Convention, Condoleeza Rice incorrectly stated that: "When the world looks to America, they look to us because we are the most successful political and economic experiment in human history. That is the true basis of 'American Exceptionalism'.”  Why was this statement incorrect?   Because our Constitutional form of government was not by any means an experiment -- and when rightly understood, was well planned and orchestrated long before the ink was dry on either the Declaration of Independence, or the American Constitution.

The Problem: It remains virtually impossible to convey to the vast majority of Americans the true reality of the very lives they are living, because they have permitted themselves to become disenfranchised from both the Wisdom of our Constitutional Framers, and the Original Teachings and Objectives of what has come to be called Christianity.   Quoting the American Spirituality web site of Thomas Paine Redux:  Our Constitutional Framers would tell you that (1) our Constitutional form of government is in and of itself very much a Gift From the very Hand of God; and (2), the Higher Objectives of the First Amendment was to bring about the Freedom to Pursue Spirituality; and (3) as with all Gifts from God, what the core Deists portrayed as "priestcraft" -- both sectarian and secular -- has always defiled and contaminated the Spiritual Gifts that God has bestowed upon mankind.   But who were the Deists?  And what is the difference between religion, and spirituality?  Thus, in this time of great crisis, it is imperative that before the American People make the grave mistake of once again throwing away this Gift from the Hand of God -- a gift that cannot easily be restored -- that they understand what they are throwing away.

As demonstrated in the subheading Science, Religion And The Etheric Field/Mind, science has already proven the validity of the visionary Mystic and Authors of the scriptures to be true.   Moreover, science has further proven that what we see and observe with our physical senses, is the result of unseen forces in a causal realm that can be portrayed as an Etheric Field that surrounds all physical matter.  And while Christian, Jewish and Sufi Mystics have long confirmed this fact, only now has science progressed to the point where they have been able to confirm what the Mystic has known all along.   And this fact is confirmed by  Einstein who stated (see foregoing link) that “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality”.   That mankind has remained virtually ignorant with respect to the nature and reality of the Field which Einstein portrays as "...the only reality”, is because the whole emerging reality-concept endorsed by modern science, totally undermines the junk-science that is taught and propagated in our schools and universities.

While Condoleeze Rice portrays our Constitutional form of government as an experiment, enlightened individuals understand that this form of government was very much planned and orchestrated from the other side of the barrier that separates us from the source of higher reality in the Causal Field.    When the Apostle Paul commanded to "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thes 5:17), what he was in fact stating is that man possess the innate ability to attune his thinking and mindset to the Causal Field that is the True Source of all that we experience in this life.   

Secular Progressives have enjoyed freedom under our Constitutional form of government to the degree that they have now arrived at the point where they are presently attempting to ram their Marxist big-government philosophy down the throats of the American People.   Even though modern scientific facts have proven that man's true reality is in the unseen dynamics of the Causal Field -- and that man has the innate ability to access this Causal Field when he learns to attune his mind to the unseen forces that move all events in this world (see Whats Wrong With Wearing A Seat Belt?) -- they have attempted to ban the attunement of the mind (prayer) to the Source, in order to disenfranchise young children from their own true higher reality.   They literally booed the restoration of God and Jerusalem to the Democrat Platform (see Boo God).    And when Barack Obama propagated his big-government mindset and proclaimed to small business owners that "you didn't build that" (see Washington Post), he was not only in absolute denial of the facts -- but stood there refuting both science and the wisdom of religious Mystics and Saints.   That Barack Obama is himself a dinosaur who adheres to a fossilized mindset founded upon a rejection of  the facts of both religion and science (see Science, Religion And The Etheric Field/Mind), demonstrates that he is the least qualified to lead the American People into the 21st Century.

Our Constitutional Framework of government is not an accident -- it was planned and orchestrated in order to bring about American Exceptionalism and create the necessary environment where mankind can be freed from the shackles of ignorance and superstition that enslaved him throughout most of his past, in the endeavor to nurture and bring about true Spiritual Rebirth (see Necessary Spiritual Environment).   And only because of this Constitutional Framework that was laid in our past, am I able to write the important Wisdom today that was impossible to write in the past.   When Barack Obama proclaimed that "you didn't build that", if he was an enlightened and knowing leader -- as was our original Constitutional Framers -- he would understand that the underlying Laws that created the American Environment of Exceptionalism (see Foundational Laws), is the foundation that permitted individuals to arise to their full potential, and bring forth results that has sustained our Nation at an elevated level which has exceeded all other nations of the earth.   And the more that the Secular Progressives continue to undermine the Foundational Laws which has invoked the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- which Laws has proven to be the example for the Nation to serve as a Light to the rest of the world, the more that the American People will continue to suffer loss.

What is the True Source of our present tribulation?  All Christians should heed the statement of fact in the Epistle of James (3:3-6) where the warning is sounded that the tongue of men invokes the Laws which come back upon him -- and even brings about their demise -- i.e., the tongue "...corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell".  For a period of four years the man who is the present leader of our nation has invoked the Laws by blaming Pres. Bush for our present financial woes -- when in reality, Pres. Bush is the victim of Secular Progressive folly (see A Lesson In The Laws - Obama vs Bush).   The record shows that Pres. Bush called for a reform of Freddie Mack and Fannie Maye seventeen (17) times -- and was ignored.   Barney Frank and the Secular Progressives brought about the collapse of the American economy (see Frank's Fingerprints All Over Financial Fiasco) -- which has confirmed the words of Ronald Reagan when he warned: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem!"    The Community Reinvestment Act under Jimmy Carter created the environment that was later promoted by Barney Frank that totally undermined the American financial stability through the creation of subprime loans.    To the degree that Barack Obama was part of a landmark lawsuit (see Obama Pushed Banks To Give Subprime Loans) that let into the financial crisis that he has blamed George Bush for creating.   Yet, each time Obama blamed Bush, his deceptive tongue invoked the Laws that he is totally ignorant of -- Laws which "..set the whole course of his life on fire" -- and as the Nations president, has invoked the Laws which has undermined the whole of the American Dream.    When you invoke Laws by promoting a lie, like a boomerang that lie comes back upon you -- and as president, it has engulfed the American People in the present financial crisis.   Moreover, because George Bush has for the most part turned the other cheek when condemned by those most responsible for the Nations present financial woes, the promise of the Gospel has invoked the Laws and returned the judgment back upon its source -- and as the Nations leader, Barack Obama has invoked the Laws that has brought great suffering upon the American People. 

What wisdom would Thomas Paine write about the present-day American Crisis?   In the same way that his pamphlets informed our forefathers at the time of the Revolution, if the American People will allot a little of their time to read the modern-day witness of Thomas Paine at the American Spirituality web site, you will learn about the Laws that have empowered the American People to find greater success in their pursuits, and enable them to achieve an Exceptionalism that is both the envy and an example to the rest of world.   And therein you will also find the case made that our Deist Founding Fathers were the epitome of the very spiritual maturity that was the objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   

The average person will rightly ask: What I am stating is that the doctrine of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes is not only true -- but was originally taught by Jesus!!!   Which means that the community of believers must come to terms with the reality that important teachings were ordered to be removed by the Roman Emperors who ruled over the post-Nicene Church (see Dogma Of Emperors) -- and the body of present-day Christians are all victims of what is known as Stockholm Syndrome.   But even more important is the fact that history not only perpetually repeats itself -- but the fact is that all the leaders of the past are presently on the world's stage resuming their past conflicts in the present (see The Perfect Ideological Storm - Obama And The Burning Qur'an).    Barack Obama has been blindly followed as a messiah figure, because he has attempted to personify himself as a messiah on the world's stage in the more distant past.   And in the same way that the scriptures warn: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7 NKJ) -- as the Nations leader, Barack Obama has brought his past debts into the present -- to the continued suffering of the American People who voted him into office as their president.        

It should come as no surprise that our Founding Fathers who were Deists, believed in the pre-existent soul (see Deist Belief In Reincarnation).    Neither should it come as any surprise that the pre-Nicene Christian Church openly taught the doctrine of the pre-existent soul (see Early Church On Predestination).   That after the Christian world was abducted by a series of Roman Pagan Emperors who forced their dogma on the body of believers -- hunting down and murdering the Spiritual Christians for refusing to accept the religion of the emperor -- further corrupting the most corrupt copies of the scriptures (see to make them artificially support Roman Pagan dogma -- is the undeniable facts of history that the modern Christian world simply refuses to come to terms with.   And that the American Constitution was ordained from On High, so that the Truth could be told during this grave period of the modern American Crisis -- with the American People being confronted with choosing The Narrow Way of Life, or that of grave suffering -- has also been orchestrated and brought about in the lives of the American People by the Hand of God.   And that the choices the American People make now, they will inherit in the future (see Conditions Of Birth), is a spiritual reality that they are not even presently prepared to come to terms with.