Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Does Hell Exist?

What is our after-death fate?  What is the purpose of our after-death experiences?  In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul states that if he was to convey to the faith-based believers the higher reality of the spiritual meaning of the Gospels and the Kingdom, that they would reject what he states as utter "foolishness".  And the fact of life that is literally impossible to explain the higher reality of the Soul to undeveloped immature believers, should become apparent to those who read and are capable of understanding the below discourse on past-death experiences.  Also, it is important to consider the position of the second century Church Father Valentinus who stated that there is no real continuous of being for the faith-based Christian who fails to achieve the subsequent stage of birth.  And while this statement is not exactly holly true, in the higher twelve-dimensional reality of the Soul, neither is it false.  BUT, as Paul stated, higher Soul-Reality is far too complex for the vast majority of people to understand -- as will be seen in the below.  What is your fate after physical-death?  That, in and of itself, is a very complex reality that few people are able to comprehend.    

We had an important conversation on yesterday's Sabbath Zoom meeting with respect to the plight of man in an after-death state.  The Soul is growing and evolving through the experiences of each personality that the Soul generates.  The Soul, which is a Being of Light that dwells in a twelve-dimensional higher realm, must incarnate into this three-dimensional realm in order to experience and evolve.  These experiences are generated when the Soul incarnates in a divided condition so that the opposite polarities of the Soul can directly interact with each other.  There is no such thing as a male or female Soul -- because these opposite polarities in a twelve-dimensional higher reality are in balance.  Each race is drawn from an expression of the spheres of mind as patterned in the Tree of Life (see  ) -- which permits a direct interaction of opposite spheres of mind when the Soul is born into one of the races.  In the same way that male and female are opposite polarities, within the higher reality of the Soul the three lower earthly kingdoms are the opposite polarity of the three heavenly kingdoms -- with mankind being the balance or the fourth kingdom where the heavenly and earthly and the male and female opposites can directly interact, grow and evolve.  And since division does not exist in the twelve-dimensional higher reality of the Soul, experiential knowledge can only be brought about when the Soul incarnates into this three-dimensional realm as one of the gender, racial and mental segments of self in this world.  

Each of us has had what can be portrayed as exceptionally good or bad days -- and the experiences gained in these exceptional days within the construct of our life, remains as the most influential that has molded each of our lives.  But if those exceptional days were somehow erased from our experiences, then they would no longer serve as the foundation of our experiential wisdom.  And while we may not recall every aspect of these exceptional days, they remain embedded in the foundation of our consciousness that strongly influences us.  And what is true of the physical, is also true of the Soul-Mind that spans the experiences of all the lives that the Soul has lived. 

Each time the Soul incarnates into this three-dimensional realm in a divided state, by interacting with our opposites, the Soul mentally develops through these experiences that would be impossible in the higher twelve-dimensional reality of the Soul.  BUT, if the experiences of each life was to be erased, then the Soul could never advance.  Therefore, in the same way that we are born into this world with physical DNA that determines much of the life that we will live, we are also born into this life with Spiritual DNA that strongly influences us based upon the past-life experiences of the Soul (see  Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests ).   And these past-life experiences are not erased from the deeper reality of our consciousness, because what we call TIME is a dimension of Soul-Mind that the Soul continues to experience.  And in the same way that we are the result of the exceptionally good and bad days of our earlier life, we are directly influenced by the exceptionally good and bad lives that our Soul has lived.  And since TIME is a dimension of Soul-Mind -- and in a twelve-dimensional higher reality where all the lives of the Soul are parallel to each other -- on one level these experiences are sill going on.   

Where we experience TIME in a linear manner, at a deeper level all the days of our life are still being experienced.  And our ability to recall the events of our life is not drawn from a system of mental-storage as in a computer hard-drive -- but rather, is drawn dynamically from these experiences that we are still experiencing across a non-linear expression of TIME that we can't directly access, because of the three-dimensional limitations placed upon our consciousness.  Which means that from a Soul-Perspective, the resulting experiences of each good and bad life, can be directly accessed in the twelve-dimensional higher reality of the Soul.  And because our Soul is not subject to the restriction of three-dimensional Linear-Time, at a deeper level we can be directly influenced by these past-lives our Soul has lived -- and on a deeper level, is still presently active in the higher reality of the Soul.  

Is there an Eternal Hell?  When a person physically dies, they are no longer subject to either the cycles of the physical body, or Linear-Time -- resulting in the reality that when a person passes over, they can become locked into a single thought FOREVER.  Many Christians become locked into existences where they praise Jesus -- FOREVER.   Others become locked into the fulfillment of the appetites of their lower nature -- i.e., the quest for alcohol, drugs, sex, the quest for power and all other obsessions that possess many people.  With the difference being that because when they physically died they were no longer subject to either the cycles of the physical body or to Linear-Time, these appetites and obsessions are often locked into their experience as Thoughts (Lives) that were generated by their Higher Soul-Self (see ).  In the same way that we draw upon good or bad days that we have experienced, out Soul draws upon good or bad lives.  Which means that from a Soul-Perspective, when a life is locked into one of these obsessions of lower human consciousness, that Thought-Personality that was generated by the Soul, continues to experience that obsession, FOREVER.  Which is why Valentinus stated that for many faith-based Christians there is no continuance beyond physical death -- continuance being expressed in higher consciousness.  And this fact of no longer being subject to the cycles of the physical body and Linear-Time, that the immersion of the personality into the obsessions of lower human consciousness, continues to immerse that personalty FOREVER.  Which means that in the same way that many faith-based Christians become locked into a perpetual praise of Jesus -- and other soul-generated personalities become locked into the appetites of the lower nature -- the atheist personalities become locked into a comatose fate where nothing exists -- Buddhists enter into a perpetual state of meditation -- Torah study -- jihad -- as well as every other lower human expression.  And from a Soul-Perspective, the fate of a personality is the direct result of the life that personality has experienced and lived.  Spiritually dead-end lives have a dead-end result.  

Since each of us is born with the Spiritual DNA of our Soul or True-Self that we are an embryonic expression of, the more we develop our mind and begin to draw nearer to our True-Self, the greater access we have to the parallel lives of the Soul that have a dead-end.  The more evolved person is able to consciously draw upon the good and bad lives that their Soul has lived, and navigates around the bad experiences of the Soul that has ended in a dead-ended existence.  If those past-life soul-experiences was not actively being experienced by the Soul upon which we draw in the wisdom of the choices we make, then we would never overcome the almost countless traps of human consciousness that enslaves people in a dead-ended reality.  Where a soul-expression personality can become trapped in addictions such as alcoholism which they cannot break and possesses them not only in the life that that personality lived, but also in an after-death state of existence, those people who have developed the ability to better access the resources of their Soul and their Sou's previous life-experiences, intuitively knows not to permit themselves to become controlled by the appetites of lower human nature.  And often this equates to how many lives of entrapment a Soul has to live, before the lessons of life is learned.  And in the same way that we are influenced by the good and bad days of our present life, more developed and intuitive people are more strongly influenced in their choices and decisions made by the past-life personalities that their Soul has experienced -- and on one level, continues to experience.    

 On this very subject the Apostle Peter makes the profound statement: "If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: A dog returns to its vomit, and, A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud" (2 Pet 2:20-22).   Where the modern Church promotes the doctrine that they are saved by Grace regardless of the manner in which they live their lives, Peter not only states that this doctrine is in grave error, but correctly states that: "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them."  Every Christian should ask themselves: How Can This Be???  How can those who have never known the teachings of Christ, be better off than those who having heard and been baptized into TheWay, and are complacent towards those teachings?  
The complacent Christian who does not mature and evolve and remains at the level of worshiping Jesus instead of imitating him as an example of how to live their life, becomes an expression of failure in an after-death state when them become perpetually locked into the thought of praising the Lord -- FOREVER.  And thus, it can be concluded that "...they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning".  But in this way, Valentinus was correct, and when the personality becomes locked into a single thought or carnal addictive expression or appetite, that lower human expression possesses them -- FOREVER.  And because of their complacency and/or allegiance to a man-made doctrine that has undermined their growth and development within the Gospel teachings, "...they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning."   But since each life is as a day in the life of the Soul, those who are advanced enough to draw upon the failures of their Soul's previous lives, do not fall into the same traps of this world.  And in the same way that a successful person has learned from the good and bad days and choices of their past, the Soul advances from the good and bad lives that the Soul has lived.