Are Christians Greater Sinners Than The Unbelievers? I recently received a letter from a concerned Christian who had relatives who were ardent readers of the Ebionite Nazirene Restoration articles (see
Master Index). To this person I wrote:
I am truly glad to hear that you have a number of family members who are devoted seekers of higher spiritual truth -- and have used my writings in their endeavor to find the Truth. With respect to the Gospel of Thomas, the Homilies of Clement, the Shepherd of Hermas and the Epistle of Barnabas, these are representative of the earliest wrings of the first-century Church. In view of the fact that the Shepherd of Hermas was the most popular and used scripture over the first three centuries -- and is contained in the oldest complete Bible we have -- do you really think it was removed from the canonical Gospels because God changed His Mind? I don't think so. (see ). Of Hermas it has been stated
"In Hermas' dialogue with the Shepherd, among the many instructions that are given to him, the issue of post-baptismal sin is discussed. It is revealed to Hermas that anyone who sins after baptism is given the opportunity to repent only once. Any sin that is committed afterwards is viewed extremely dismally and the implication is given that such an individual will no longer be able to obtain forgiveness. Various interpretations have been applied to this doctrine of penance for post- baptismal sins. For example, it is possible to view Hermas as one who is compromising the area of Christian repentance, one who acts as a reformer and exhorts the Church to holy living, or even one who is of such intense eschatological anticipation that he believes there will be no possibility of further repentance." But is this any different than the statement of Paul that
"For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).
And when it is pointed out that the Apostle Peter warns that the fate of those who believe otherwise -- i.e., the followers of pseudo-shepherds who attempt to portray Jesus as a pagan mojo that enables the believer to continue to sin after escaping the corruptions of this world -- that their fate is such that "...they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning" (see Worse Off Than The Unbelievers). With Peter concluding with respect to their fate: "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them." But the modern Christian has been so disenfranchised from the original Gospel teachings, that they have been rendered spiritually impotent -- to the degree that it is impossible for them to even come to terms with the teaching that the fate of the unbelievers is better than those who have come to the knowledge of the Gospel, and continued to sin.
Actually, I don't need any of these writings -- and I use them only to demonstrate the earliest teachings that were suppressed by the Church of Constantine. In the first century, my Soul was there -- as my Soul was in every subsequent century spanning the last 2000 years. Therefore, I witnessed the corruption and the formation of the Faux-Church -- the teachings of which, you follow. In this life I have journeyed into what you would call the Kingdom -- spoken with the Soul you worship about what I should and should not write -- and much of what I write is directly from Spirit.
One of the things I was told to point out is the fact that anyone -- including yourself -- can use any and every version of the Gospels -- and prove that they have been corrupted, and that one of the most important teachings was removed. So, you can take this fact as a test for you and all the people you know, that you will be confronted with when you pass from this life. And what I make reference to is the removal of the verses on the Children which you can find at
The Removal Of The Children .
With the corruption of the Gospels in the fourth century in their endeavor to recreate Jesus as God incarnate, the very words reportedly spoken by God to mankind when he said of the man Jesus:
"Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see
The Ebionite Nazirene Witness ). And with respect to the other citations which support this original Gospel statement,
The Adam Clark Commentary with regard to the passage at Hebrews 1:5 states:
“This most important use of this saying has passed unnoticed by almost every Christian writer which I have seen; and yet it lies here at the foundation of all the apostle's proofs. If Jesus was not thus the Son of God, the whole Christian system is vain and baseless". If the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus who walked and talked with him daily -- and were taught directly by Jesus were correct as presented in these Words of God -- then truly the beliefs you hold and cling to are
"...vain and baseless".
Since you claim to be a knowledgeable student of the Gospels, you should therefore celebrate that you can now find an explanation of the proper application of the scriptures from an Original Author at ). And if you goto the subheading [You]
Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures , I convey to you how you can get an Original Gospel in its Original Language so that you will have access to the Pure Truth. And for your edification I open this article with the statement:
If you had an original copy of the Gospels, you could use them as a catalyst to achieve an Enlightened and Anointed State of Mind -- prevailing over self, and overcoming the division between you and your Heavenly Father. If you had an original copy of the Gospels and used them as the authors intended them to be used, at this moment you could have been Restored to the Edenic Kingdom -- and having overcome even death, you would dwell with your elder brother Jesus. And if you are a sincere seeker -- whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim -- after you understand the true spiritual value and reality of the Original Gospels, I will tell you how to get possession of a copy of the Original Gospels.
What the above means is that when you pass from this life you will have no excuse for not knowing the Truth of all Truths. And it was conveyed to me that with this restoral of the Original Teachings, I should convey to people such as yourself the words: "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22 NKJ). What this means is that the Christian world no longer has an excuse for promoting the dogma of pagan Rome, while ignoring the Original Gospel Teachings.
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