The Old Testament as the Letter that Killeth
In the article Original Gospel Teachings restored (see
Intro To Original Gospel By The Brother Of Jesus ), I present the
reality that the Old Testament has virtually nothing to do with the Gospels.
When rightly understood, the Old Testament is not the predecessor of the Gospels
-- because the Old Testament was the foundation of the Mystery religion of
Judaism, and the literal text has virtually nothing in common with the Gospels
which emerged out of the Essenes. The Torah was written by the Essenes or
a Spiritual Essenic-people as an outreach to the idle worshiping, animal
sacrificing nomadic tribe of heathen Jews. And basically, it portrays the
Law of Action and Reaction -- often portrayed as the Mosaic Law of retaliation
-- i.e., an eye for an eye -- or, in modern language, the vengeful Law of Karma.
And what is portrayed as God in the Old Testament, is in fact an allegorical
presentation of the Laws that bring this retributive (karmic) reaction about.
But with the removal of the essential biblical teaching on the evolution of the
Soul over the course of many UNIQUE lifetimes (see
Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development ), it
has become virtually impossible for the modern reader to in any manner
comprehend the spiritual meaning of the scriptures. Quoting from
Folly Of Bad Beliefs About God
It is important to understand what the Apostle Peter and other enlightened
individuals state about the scriptures is true -- and it is not only the
countless inconsistencies that have been intentionally inserted into the textual
body of the scriptures so they cannot be read historically -- but other literal
statements that can be portrayed as
"bad beliefs
about God" which also serve an important higher purpose in the
development of the mind of the reader. And the statement by Peter that the
scriptures contain out-right
that if not correctly understood can cause them to be portrayed as
"...the books which are able to deceive"
is confirmed in the words of Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of
Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he writes about the nature
of scripture:
“Every time that you find in our books
a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both
reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory
veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter,
the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”. Thus, what is portrayed as
"...repugnant to both reason and common sense"
is not at all historical -- but rather, allegorical portrayals of deeply
important spiritual truths that those who believe the
"falsehoods" of the literal text as actual historical events
are blind to the spiritual meaning. And in believing the
"falsehoods" that were intentionally inserted into the
scriptures as what Peter portrays as a
for the reader, is representative of a condition of mind that has the power and
ability to totally disenfranchise the reader from the true spiritual meaning of
the written word.
The ability to bring about High-Level Thought and an enlightened assessment
and understanding of man's true reality, is dependent upon the developed and
evolved balance of the Linear and Intuitive Spheres of Mind (see
The Trinity - Divine Pattern - Linear vs Intuitive
Development Of The Mind ). And it is the
purpose of the scriptures to bring about the development of the Intuitive
Spheres of mind that in most people are suppressed by the dominate Linear -- and
this necessary development is contingent upon allegorical catalysts and symbols
inserted into the scriptures that are beyond the limits of the Linear to
perceptively comprehend. As stated throughout the article at
the objective of the scriptures was to evolve the
seeker/believer to a mature and enlightened condition of mind. And thus, the
authors did not create linear-minded historical accounts that would fail to
develop the inward looking Intuitive -- which is why the Apostle Peter as quoted
by his disciple Clement in the Homilies that
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
To read the Gospels in accord with
"...the understanding of our own
mind", is to interpret them from a Linear
literal or historical perception. Or to read the Gospels from the perspective
"...a foreign and extraneous
sense, which you have brought from without",
is to inhibit the primary purpose which is to develop the seekers own Intuitive
spheres of mind which enables them to begin to develop and utilize the process
of Anamnesis to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge.
The historical
"falsehoods" and
easily discernable untruths which utilize symbols and catalysts, can only be
resolved when the Intuitive is able to connect with the person's inner resources
of mind and being (see
Anamnesis - The
Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths: ) -- and is
absolutely necessary to develop the believers mind beyond what Paul portrays as
"animal-soul" level of organic
consciousness (see
Animal-Soul ). For an
important reason Paul portrayed the written text of the scriptures as the
"letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6).
And referred to them as
"Jewish fables"
(Titus 1:14). And what he was stating was that those who see only the text of
the written word have embraced the
"letter that
killeth". To the Galatians who were attempting to embrace the
Jewish outward ritual observances of the Torah, Paul states:
“Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?”
And then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the
written word literally in an historical context as Christians do today:
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the
one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was
born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are
an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV). What this means is that what in
appearance is portrayed historically in the scriptures, was not history at all
-- but rather, was an allegorical facade that both preserved and concealed
important spiritual truths which are not discernable and evident when reading
the text of the written word. And what this means is that all the countless
Jewish, Christian and Muslim clergy who read the scriptures as if they are
historical accounts, are all in grave error.
In the account of the Clementine Homilies, Peter warns his disciple Clement
that Simon Magus has the ability to greatly deceive the Gentiles, because they
(the Gentiles) fail to understand the vision and traditions used by the authors
in the composition of the scriptures. Where those who fail to understand the
objective and purpose of the scriptures with respect to the development and
enlightenment of the mind attempt to read them as literal historical events --
the authors of the scriptures understood the need to restore the lost prodigal
sons to the Edenic Kingdom, and this could only be accomplished through the
restoral of the Wholeness of Mind. Since the Gentiles and (carnal) Jews did not
-- and continue not to -- understand this higher mental and spiritual objective
of the authors of the scriptures, they remain easily deceived and seduced by
charlatans and faux-teachers and religious authorities who attempt to read the
scriptures as if they presented actual historical events.
When rightly understood, the Gospels were written in order to free the people
from the shackles of Judaism -- which is why the Gospel account of Jesus
portrays the Jews as the offspring of the Devil. Therefore, the case can be made
for the literal text of the Old Testament being the Satanic scriptures of the
spiritually disenfranchised. If you read the article at
, you will learn that the Old Testament is not the predecessor of the Gospels --
because the Old Testament was the foundation of the Mystery religion of Judaism,
and the literal text has virtually nothing in common with the Gospels which
emerged out of the Essenes. In fact, the Gospels were written in order to
free the people from the shackles of Judaism -- which is why the Gospel account
of Jesus portrays the Jews as the offspring of the Devil
"Why do you not understand My speech?
Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil,
and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the
father of it" (John 8:43-44 NKJ).
. Therefore, the case can be made for the literal
text of the Old Testament being the Satanic scriptures of the spiritually
The greatest error of the Gentile-Church which portrayed itself as Orthodox,
was made when they attached their religion to the Old Testament of the Jews --
portraying the Jews as the forerunner of the Church. Why did the Church do
this? To provide the Church with a false and counterfeit facade of
authenticity. Therefore, what is known as Replacement Theology has
been one of the primary causes of the demise of Christianity. The Chosen
People are representative of Spiritual Israel -- whereas the Jews personified in
the Pharisees and Sadducees were representative of counterfeit Israel -- i.e.,
the offspring of the Devil. The authors of the Gospels were representative of
Spiritual Israel, who were the people of the New Covenant. The Jews were the
carnal impostors who were shackled by the Old Covenant and the literal Law of
Moses. When the Gospel account of Jesus spoke of fulfilling the tenets of the
Old Testament, he was referring to the fact that the Old Testament is an
allegorical portrayal of the Laws that must be fulfilled within the
seeker/disciples own mind and being in order for the lost prodigal sons to be
restored to the Edenic Kingdom of origination. All reference to a coming
Anointed One (Messiah/Christ), portray the Anointing of the Mind of the
Seeker/Disciple who fulfills the (allegorical) Law within themselves. Where the
Jews as counterfeit Israel sacrificed animals in the temple of this world made
with the hands of man, Spiritual Israel transforms the lower animal nature of
the body and mind into the Living Temple that enables the seeker/disciple to be
taught directly by the Indwelling Logos (see
The Gospels And The PreExistent Soul That Evolves To Perfection In Many
Lifetimes ). All the references to the building
of the temple and the sacrifice of animals, is an allegorical portrayal of what
must be accomplished within the body and mind of the Disciple of TheWay. And
only when the necessary Wholeness (see
Wholeness of Mind &
Being ) embodied in
the term Spiritual Israel is brought about through the fulfillment of the Royal
Law within you, can the Kingdom come within the mind and body of the Disciple of
TheWay (see
The End Times -
Armageddon/Rapture - The Coming Of The Kingdom ). And this is
why the Gospel account of Jesus stated:
"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but
they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"
(Mark 2:17).