Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Thursday, February 27, 2020

FaceBook Censors Scientific Findings On time And Soul-Memory

FaceBook censors the ultra-important scientific finding on Time as a dimension of Soul-Memory

Not only does past present and future exist at once, but all the lives that your Soul has lived is presently dwelling in what can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-Matrix -- as explored at Saying 84 - The Foundation Of The Soul And The Threefold Self . Being stuck in this sub-realm that is portrayed in the Gospels as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son, or the shadow-world of Plato's Cave, we remain unaware of our inner Soul-Reality because our culture has only developed the (male) liner outward-looking attributes of mind -- thereby suppressing the (feminine) Intuitive inward-looking attributes of mind. Thus, we are stuck in Linear time, and we don't know how to tap into the feminine cyclic expression of time -- or the third-force balance that exists on a higher Soul-Plane (see ).

Below is the FaceBook notification on the censorship of the subject and the above post. 
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From a reincarnation perspective, all the lives that your Soul has lived are currently living within the Soul Mind-Matrix. Which means that while you only live once, your True-Self or Soul-Self not only evolves through the experiences of a great multitude of lives -- but that each of these soul-generated personalities are unique from the rest.
Not only does past present and future exist at once, but all the lives that your Soul has lived is presently dwelling in what can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-...
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