Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Jesus Rejected Christianity

Jesus Rejected Christianity 

Christianity existed before Jesus, and he rejected it.  The early Church Authority Epiphanius writes that the name Ebionite "...was at first ...a common name for all" the original followers of Jesus (Epiphanius Adv. Haer., xxix. 1). And this is where much of the confusion is generated. It can be rightfully stated that the teachings of Jesus disappeared, and when rightly understood, the Roman Empire was not converted to the religion of Jesus -- but rather, the personage and image of Jesus was converted to a secular authorized form of Mithraism.  And it is easy to prove and demonstrate that even the name Christian is drawn directly from Mithraicism (see Christ Before Jesus  ).  In fact, the doctrine of Original Sin, which is the foundation of Mithraism, was rejected by Jesus and the Original Gospel Teachings (see The Original Sin Of The Church  ).  Which means that the most important spiritual teachings of Jesus were suppressed and abandoned by a fourth century Secular Theocracy where the priests existed as officials of the government that peddled salvation in order to rule over the people.  Like most Theocracies, those who opposed the Emperor were hunted down as heretics -- quoting historian Edward Gibbon in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction”.  The true followers of Jesus were hunted down as heretics because they rejected the religion of the emperor.  

Today we call ourselves by the Greek word Christian -- but have we ever questioned where the term originated? If modern believers were truly sincere in their desire for a more intimate relationship with the Lord, they would immediately want to know the answer to the question as to why the "early believers avoided" using the name Christian? The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge confirms that the name "originated outside of Christian and Jewish circles". Thus, when rightly understood, a religious group that was outside the teachings of the Gospels, portrayed themselves as Christian, prior to the advent of Jesus and the Gospel teachings. And the original followers of Jesus rejected the name Christian, because the Gospel teachings have virtually nothing in common with the teachings of those who called themselves Christian -- which was converted into a Theocracy in the fourth-century, and was therefore dictated to by a series of Emperors when it became the Universal Religion of the Pagan Roman Empire. 

 If, as Jesus taught, that the entrance to the Kingdom is within each us (Luke 17:20-21), and one of the primary purposes of the Gospel teachings is the body of knowledge on how to fulfill the Law and enter through the "narrow gate" within us -- thereby enabling the prodigal sons/daughters to be restored to the Edenic Kingdom -- therein fulfilling the objective to be in the world and not of it -- and this is accomplished by fulfilling the Law of God as Jesus taught, and his original followers witnessed as demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he stated that it was the Ebionite position that the man Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). Hence "when Ebionites [or any other person] thus fulfills the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). And this is in fact the purpose and objective of the Gospel teachings -- i.e., to enable the lost prodigal sons/daughters to be restored to the Edenic Kingdom (see  ) while still in the physical body-vessel -- and to attain the Anointing and At-Onement with the Divine Mind (see At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God  ). Which means that the question that confronts every person who has ever walked the face of the earth is this: How many lifetimes will it take for you to fulfill the Natural Laws of Creation within your own mind and being, and in the words of the Revelation, "Go Out No More" -- i.e., "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more" (Rev 3:12 see Go Out No More  ).

That the Ebionites had been taught and enlightened by Jesus as to the spiritual meaning of the Law, and they did not observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition in the manner of the Jews, is the reason why the early Christian author Epiphanius who was an opponent of the Ebionites, and considered them to be heretics who continued to embrace the Law, wrote that the Ebionites "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9). If the original followers of Jesus "blasphemed" most of the tenets of the Jewish observance of the Law -- instead, embracing the spiritual meaning that "Christ has revealed" to them -- then it is the body of esoteric spiritual teachings that could not be understood by many of the gentiles, and therefore not be revealed to the multitudes that is the Core Gospel Teachings. That the Gentiles were too carnal to understand the spiritual meaning of the Law, and the Jews threw away the Key of Knowledge in their outward observations and ritual interpretations (see Application Of The Key Of Knowledge  ), has immersed both Jew and Christian alike in ignorance of the purpose and objective of the Original Gospel teachings -- i.e., the original followers were “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire. When Jesus was asked by a man inquiring about eternal life: "Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting?" Jesus rejected being called "good master" -- as seen when Jesus answered him: "Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good. If you want to have eternal life, you must obey his commandments" (Matt 19:17). If Jesus was God as the Church declared him in the fourth century, then Jesus would not have rejected the Preferred Pronoun "good master". In fact, he would have acknowledged the title of God. And in his answer to the man inquiring about how to achieve "eternal life", Jesus stated: "...If you want to have eternal life, you must obey his commandments"

Jesus taught his original followers and disciples the spiritual meaning of the Law that each person must fulfill within their own mind and being, in order for their minds to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- Anointed with what? The Light of the Divine Mind of God. When Jesus spoke of "works of the Law", he was portraying that mindset, thinking and lifestyle that is necessary for a person's mind to become Anointed with the Light of the Divine Mind at the Core of their Consciousness. That the scriptures have an inner spiritual meaning that can only be seen and understood by those who have the "eyes to see", is stated in the words: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45). Why couldn't they understand the scriptures prior to Jesus "...opening their understanding"? What Jesus stated was that only a very small select few who had begun to fulfill the precepts of the Law of God within them as Jesus taught, were able to receive and understand the most important teachings and concepts known to mankind that Jesus taught. Which provokes the most important question that few people are in any manner prepared to understand: Why could Jesus convey the mysteries of the kingdom ONLY to a very select few, and that he was unable to convey the higher truths to the multitudes who came to hear him teach? Because until which time they put on the necessary wedding garment and began to fulfill the Law, they will continue to dwell in the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- i.e., "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who didn't have on wedding clothing, and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here not wearing wedding clothing?' He was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and throw him into the outer darkness; there is where the weeping and grinding of teeth will be.' For many are called, but few chosen." (Matt 22:1-14). In the Homilies of Clement the Apostle Peter is quoted as stating the the required wedding garment that the person "...ought to beware that it be not in any part of it stained with sin, and so he be rejected as unworthy and reprobate." Which is confirmed in the words: "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries" (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV). Jesus makes reference to the prophecy of Isaiah with respect to the necessity purity of the wedding garment and states: "‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them’" (Matt 13:14-15). It is important to recognize that the reason the people could not hear or understand, was caused by their own deafness and inability to understand the teachings and concepts presented to them. Even to the degree that their condition of mind inhibited them from turning about, so they could be healed. Thus, in order to understand the meaning of the teachings of Jesus, it required them to make change in their lives -- for them to un-harden their hearts, and enable their eyes to see and their ears to hear the Higher Spiritual Truths which their organic mind could not receive and comprehend.  And because the modern believer has embrace the religion of Roman Emperors that was a Theocracy that came into existence in the fourth century (see  The Religion Of Roman Emperors ), which has virtually nothing in common with the original Gospel teachings (see The Law Of The Gospels   ), they remain lost, confused, and spiritually disenfranchised.  




Monday, February 06, 2023

Man/Woman And The Reunification Of Adam And Eve Into One

Man/Woman And The Reunification Of Adam And Eve Into One 

In the allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was drawn from the side of Adam, what is being personified is the fact that the mind of mankind became divided across the polarities of male and female when we entered this world. What this means is that when man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting and interacting with the other half -- both of them divided opposites with greatly differing mental perceptions and abilities -- each with the capacity to fill the mental void of their spouse. Therefore, when man meets woman, two halves of the Mind are brought together with the capacity to interact, grow and evolve to Wholeness. And from the perspective of man and woman, as the man assists in the development of those unique Intuitive abilities possessed by his wife that are suppressed and often absent in him, his own Intuitive spheres of mind begin to develop. And as the woman channels, transforms, raises up and returns the generative energy of her husband back to her husband, both begin to evolve beyond organic male and female levels of mind and consciousness. But, the male being physically stronger, has the power to dominate the woman, and suppress her feminine-intuitive aspects of mind that is crucial to the development of the husband and wife. Therefore, if the male linear pursuits and thinking dominates the relationship -- restricting, rather than openly exploring the feminine intuitive aspects of mind that are largely suppressed in the biological male mind, then no development can be brought about.

In the same way that when a sperm and ovum join and form an embryo, the development of the fetus, the birth, and the evolution of the infant into the fullness of an adult, is all brought about level upon level by the Natural Laws -- as the chromosomes of the male interact with the chromosomes of the female to bring about Maturity and Wholeness in the individual person. In like manner, when man meets woman, the opposite polarities of male and female have the capacity to join on a mental level and form what can be portrayed as a Mental-Embryo -- wherein the Natural Laws of Creation acting like a Living Bio-Feedback Organism, will interact and evolve their consciousness, level upon level with our every thought, desire word and action -- returning back to us exactly what we need to advance -- evolving each of us to bring about what is personified as Wholeness as personified in the Wholeness portrayed in the image of the man Jesus, who is representative of the final destiny for all of mankind. Therefore, Physical Marriage is the initial uniting of the opposite polarities on both a physical and mental levels of mind and being. Depending upon the depth of the marriage union, sexual intercourse has the potential to become a catalyst that with the DNA Exchange, has the ability to Intellectually and Spiritually connect and join the two halves of the Mind as manifest in male and female, to prepare them for transformational growth and development (see DNA Exchange ). But in view of the fact that every male (linear) impression and thought must be joined with its opposite female (Intuitive) impression and thought which brings about an expansion of the mental-bodies that immerse the man and woman in a mental-cocoon, both the man and woman must not only explore their opposite without judgment, but they must embrace the mental merger of opposite Impressions and thoughts -- thereby raising their frequency of body and mind to levels higher than organic consciousness.  A physical marriage and sexual union can be portrayed as the initial joining -- but because the development of mind can only be achieved through experiential knowledge -- which requires the living out of choices, and the exercise of freewill -- development beyond the initial level is subject to -- and totally limited by -- the experiential interaction of the two opposite polarities of Consciousness as embodied in the form of Man and Woman.


As halves of the whole, if the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and when joined together, they have the potential to arise to a higher level of mind and consciousness -- they possess the innate ability to conquer all obstacles which they encounter in their mental advancement to Wholeness and Perfection. Holographically, the Universal Natural Laws are equally expressed on every level of our Being. Therefore, what is true on a physical level, is also true on a mental level, and is ultimately true on a spiritual level. When Jesus taught that you must be born again -- he was making reference to the process of mental-birth, spiritual-birth, and the final stage of birth that unites our Soul with the Divine Mind (see Stages Of Birth ).  In understanding the Natural Laws on a physical level, the joining of the sperm with the ovum on a physical level opens the door of growth and opportunity -- i.e., the sperm supplies the developmental needs for the ovum, and the ovum supplies the developmental needs for the sperm. And on a mental level, this is also true with respect to the joining of a male/husband and woman/wife as a Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum when a Mental-Embryo is formed and manifest. Jesus taught that the two become "one flesh" -- and in a genuine marriage-union, the man has the ability to spawn the growth opportunity of the woman, and the woman has the ability to spawn the growth opportunity of the man. Therefore, if the husband works to develop the full Intuitive/Feminine potential and abilities of his wife, without imposing and limiting her development by imposing his own Linear/Male mindset and strengths upon her -- and the woman seeks to reflect and use her power of birth-giving transformation in the higher development with her husband -- then together they can enter through what is personified as the "narrow gate" of Wholeness (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate ) . In the same way that the interaction of the male and female polarities will spawn growth and development in a physical embryo, when a Man and Woman enter into a Coverture-Union, they have the potential to transform their Mind -- doing this by developing the Mental-Bodies that surround the physical. With the development of these Mental-Bodies in a Mental-Embryo, Metaphysical growth and development of Mind is brought about that is able to transcend the earthly-limitations of human organic (carnal) consciousness.


The Gospel of Thomas states: The disciples asked: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." Jesus taught: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Jesus taught that those who achieve and restore Wholeness, as ONE, they do not need a physician to heal them. Therefore, if the man and woman unite as Husband and Wife in a Consecrated Marriage Union that brings about Oneness, they are then able to develop in the manner of a Mental-Fetus, which then has the ability to open the inner door to restoring Wholeness. How? So long as the two halves of the mind remain separated across the spectrum of a divided man and woman, Wholeness cannot be achieved -- which is why it is stated in the Gospel of Philip: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”.