Shabbat Shalom Seekers:
It seems more seekers are beginning to understand the dynamic Aka Cord connection as explored in my article at
Sexual Immorality -- which Aka Cords inhibit peoples ability to enter into a Marriage -- thereby inhibiting the process explored in Gospel of Thomas saying 22 which reads:
"Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."
Quoting the foregoing link as to Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible:
When the Gospel of Thomas states that you must "...make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel of Thomas saying #22), it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband. And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'". When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into Ætheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot. What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her. Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband. Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking.
Even if we do not meet the other person ever again, or if we do have a continuous physical intimacy with our partner, each time we get into the act, we receive a part of their energy into our aura and leave a part of ours into theirs. So each time we have sex, we create an energy cord with our partner. Their thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., are left as impressions in our aura, which unless cleansed, stays with us. If the same is done under the influence of alcohol, we lower our natural protective field, which further exposes us to negative & discordant energies. If we have sex with a positive person, we are bound to receive her/his positivity and vice-a-versa with a negative person. Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of Sexual Healing says, '..what could be accomplished by bringing the male and the female body together. The answer to this question is physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And since our bodies share characteristics with the animal realm, it is obviously possible for us to be pulled in both an upward and downward direction through our endowment of energies.'”
In our Ebionite Nazirene Community in North Carolina ( ), we have begun putting together a Spiritual Healing Center. Many seekers have asked me what I did to clear out my body -- and while I attribute much of my own healing to the steam shower to ice water spinal immersion, my wife Flo and I also did all that is suggested in the article under the heading of Cleanse Your Aura where it reads:
Our energy system requires constant cleansing in order for it to be balanced and to keep us functioning properly. It is essential that we cleanse our aura of all the negativity and debris from time to time. Here are some simple and easy methods to remove unwanted energies left in your aura body through physical intimacy.

- Sunlight is man’s main food, but since we are unable to directly consume it, we absorb it by way of fruits, vegetable, etc. Therefore, it is best to step out into the sunlight every day for minimum 15 minutes. A conscious thought, ‘I am cleansing my aura of my sexual past’ can be extremely helpful in the cleansing process.
- Water is a natural cleanser, which cleans the body both physically, emotionally and energetically. Therefore, a bath with sea salt or Epsom salt can remove stuck negativity in the body.
- Forgiveness is a powerful tool to release trapped energy in our body. In the case of a hurtful relationship, by forgiving the other person as well as yourself for the act of sex can lead to acceptance and discharge of energy.
- Nature is yet another way to connect to Mother Earth and replenish your energy. Walking barefoot or Earthing is a great way to feel energised, because Earth’s surface contains limitless, natural, healing energy.
- Meditation, when practiced in any form is enlightening and emancipating. It strengthens the aura body and gives the practitioner a sense of knowledge about their energy field. Practicing White light meditation (imagining white light going in and black light out of the body) will also discharge the debris from your aura field.
- Aura cleansing techniques with experts who have the knowledge of various methodologies for aura cleansing and combing is undoubtedly a great way to remove energy blocks, debris, negativity, etc.
The above mentioned techniques are only some measures to reduce the impact of casual sex. But if we want to get physically involved with someone, it is better to weigh the situation first. Sex is not good or bad, it is ecstatic and to truly experience the possibility of connecting higher states of awareness with peak sexual experiences, we have to first understand its significance.
The article also quotes statement by Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of Sexual Healing where he states, “..what could be accomplished by bringing the male and the female body together. The answer to this question is physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And since our bodies share characteristics with the animal realm, it is obviously possible for us to be pulled in both an upward and downward direction through our endowment of energies.”
Even few seekers understand man's lower animal nature (see
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature ) -- or the impact that an untransformed lower animal nature has upon the evolution of Soul-Light (see
The Evolving Soul ) -- and the reality of Mr. Armstrong's statement regarding the fact that modern recreational sex can move our consciousness in a "...
downward direction through our endowment of energies.” And the woman at the well could not receive the Living Waters, because her five husbands was anchoring her into her lower animal nature.
My wife and I used to purchase 50 lb bags of Dead Sea Salt and bathe in it. There is of course nothing like a flotation tank with salt water. I used to ride my motorcycle along the beach in the early morning through the salt air -- but riding through early morning mountain dew also has a cleansing effect. In our Ebionite Nazirene Community we have begun to pursue Quantum Touch, Re-birthing which utilizes the cleansing of connected breath, and Age Regression to explore the causal factors in one's previous lives our Soul has lived. We are also pursuing what is called Polarity Healing. And while it is impossible to totally sever the Aka Chord links, they can be greatly made less by using the above Natural Healing Expressions that have the capacity to free each seeker from the impact of their own past.