The Universal Journey In TheWay
I was asked in the Ex-Christian group what my mission was? I made the
following answer:

When everyone passes from this life, they will have to evaluate the life that
they lived. The Christians will be confronted with the fact that their religion
has nothing in common with the original Gospel teachings (see
). The ex-Christians will be confronted with the fact that if they had sought
the essence of the Gospel, they could have found the Truth that could have
helped them prevail in their life. The Atheists will be confronted by the fact
that while they were right about the bogus fraud with respect to the Jesus-god
of Constantine (see The Unforgivable Sin Of The Church
), that if they had sought the Truth, they would have found it.
All of them will attempt to say: How was I to know? There are a number of Inner
Paths into the Core of each person's Mind that will reveal to them the Truth of
all Truths. And the Gospels were written as a universal text-book for tapping
into the Inner Source that exists within each of us. Admittedly, the path has
been made more difficult because of the corruption of the Gospels by the Church.
And my mission in entering this life was to restore the most important teachings
that were suppressed, in order to enable them to overcome the corruption.
It is not my job to worry about who reads these writings. The Internet provides
the opportunity to set these writings before the people world-wide -- and I am
often contacted by seekers around the world who have read them. But, the Spirit
guides key people to these writings. While the vast majority of people use the
Internet for shopping, porn and social nonsense, there are people whose souls are evolved
enough to find their answers in these writings. Therefore, when they get to the
hereafter, and they are then able to examine the life they lived, and attempt to make excuses for
themselves, they will be confronted by the fact that they were provided the
answers, but refused to engage as a seeker. And in these writings I explain how
EVERYONE has the ability to tap into the Inner Source of Truth, if they are
willing to develop those aspects of mind that enable them to do so. Therefore,
they don't have to believe anything -- because each person who walks the face of
the earth has the innate ability to tap into the Source of Universal Knowledge
within them, and know the Truth of all Truths.
There is no judgement day as envisioned by the faux-church and institutionalized
religion. The life we are living is as a learning experience and a testing to
see if we can advance. But since we have the ability to review any thought or
point in our life, it is impossible to make excuses for our failures. An
important part of mental and spiritual development is the exercise of our
freewill and choices, and then live out these choices in order to experience
them. Since most people are complacent followers who never make the effort to
seek and prove the truth, their Soul has yet to evolve. And they live life after
life making gains at a snails pace (see Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And
Soul-Development ). In the case of critics
and atheists, while they are intelligent enough to see that the Church is a
fraud, are they intelligent enough to recognize and embrace the valid path of
truth when they encounter it.
The fact that I have never had a teacher -- neither am I part of any church or
organized religion -- and my only Teacher is the Source within me -- that exists
equally within everyone. I lived the first 25 years of my life mentally
undeveloped and spiritually disenfranchised, until I encountered truths that
began my search for the greater truth. And this was orchestrated, so that no one
could make excuses. If I could arise out of cultural ignorance, then so can
anyone else.
By restoring the original Gospel teachings, I have done the major work that is
necessary to restore these important teachings. Which means that no one who has
encountered these writings, will have an excuse for not considering what is
presented. The bottom line is that they chose not to seek truth when it was
presented to them. Each of us has a Higher Self (see ) that guides us -- so in
most instances, those who encounter these writings were guided to them by their
own Higher Soul-Self, but they chose to ignore their own True-Self. And when
they get to the hereafter, this failure to listen to their True-Self and the
Source within them, will be their own failure.