Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Black Christians vs White Christians

A question was asked in response to my previous article entitled: Low Information Christians Who Worship The Anti-Christ -- which posed the question:Would you agree that not only have the African-American communities abandoned the true word of God, but also the white communities also?
While it is true that the vast majority of Christians have been spiritually disenfranchised by the man-made dogma of the Roman Church (see ), it is also true that many sincere Christians do strive to live in accord with the Gospel teachings and principles.   And the Law is that unless you live in accord with the Gospel teachings, you have no part in the Gospel Promises.

Christians who come to understand the original teachings and purpose of the New Covenant Sacraments (see ) are shocked when they become aware of the original requirements.  Quoting the opening of this essential article that every Christian must embrace:

The Warning Of The Apostle:When we were an infant, we had to grow and become mature -- the same is true with respect to faith-based believers.   Therefore, what Paul and the other Gospel Authors state is true beyond the understanding of the vast majority of believers -- resulting in the fact that there exists higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ).   It is not the fault of an infant that they lack the maturity to understand -- and in like manner, by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and to the Congregation of Christians who Paul personally taught, he openly stated that they were still too spiritually immature to comprehend the esoteric meaning of the Gospel: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).    Spiritually immature to the degree that the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- i.e., "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand..." (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV).    Which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament.   Resulting in the reality that the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded

Liberal Democrats have sold African-Americans a bill of goods that has totally alienated them from the Original Gospel teachings.  In order to give Black Americans government hand-outs, they required the break-up of the family.   Thus, they not only abandoned the Sacrament of Marriage, but they began to use the infanticide of the unborn as birth control.  Quoting from the article: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Niece Says Abortion is the New Civil Rights Cause: With respect to the Holocaust of the UnBorn, The Didache (a.k.a. The Teaching of the Apostles), which is one of the oldest Christian documents, at Section 2:2 states: "...thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born..." -- and at 5:2 it states: "The Way of Death is filled with people who are...murderers of children and abortionists of God's creatures."    It has been conveyed to me from On High that abortion is murder -- and even those who support abortion, are therefore acting in concert with murderers. 

Why did the African-American community attach themselves to Liberal Democrats?  For the handouts that Democrats use to buy their vote.   Quoting from The Sin Of Lust:
The Ten Commandments thus state: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's" (Exod 20:17 NKJ).   Why?   Because each man's life is the direct result of their own previous actions and accomplishments -- and that they fail to remember these pre-existent actions, is because they dwell in the "outer darkness".    And this is further confirmed in the Shepherd of Hermas which commands: "The expenditure of the heathen then practice not ye; for it is not convenient for you the servants of God.  But practice your own expenditure, in which ye can rejoice; and do not corrupt, neither touch that which is another man's, nor lust after it; for it is wicked to lust after other men's possessions."   By virtue of the Laws that orchestrated and dictated every part of the life that every man, woman and child is presently living, every person is at their present station in life, by virtue of the road they personally traveled to get there.   The conditions of your birth, as well as the life you are living, has been brought about, orchestrated, and maintained, by the Laws of God -- Laws that insure that each and every " reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).

Ninety percent of African-Americans vote for Liberal Democrats who they put in office for social programs that are designed (from a biblical perspective) to steal from others -- a condition which Black Conservative author Star Parker portrays as Uncle Sam's Plantation (see The Devil & Maxine Waters - A Story Of Satanic Seduction).   In fact, most intellectual African-Americans who attempt to warn their black brothers and sisters of the Liberal Democrat agenda that enslaves in order to control, are ostracized and portrayed as Uncle Tom's!   There is an ever-growing list of Blacks who see through the Liberal agenda of enslavement -- i.e., see Conservative African-Americans.   There is also many Black religious leaders who have recognized the agenda of the socialist secular left, and have begun to voice their opposition against Barack Obama and the Democrats who enslave in order to maintain their political power base, and have alienated the vast majority of African-Americans from the Gospel Message.   Therefore, the majority of African-Americans who have in effect sold their soul to the Devil in their wholesale abandonment of the core Gospel teachings, have invoked the Law and Judgment against themselves.   Meanwhile, we can observe the march of hypocrites when such groups as Black Lives Matter ignore the Black on Black crime that is perpetuated daily upon innocent Black women and children.  If Black Lives Mattered, then they would begin in the Black Communities where the mass slaughter of the innocents is being waged.   And thus, they are in the process of self-destruction.   Thus, the deplorable conditions of such places as Baltimore is merely the fruit of their self-imposed abandonment of the Gospel Principles. 

Wise African-Americans who have not sold their soul to the devil, have come to recognize that the Liberal Democrats and Race Merchants are promoting such movements as Black Lives Matter in order to promote discord and unrest.   An example of the voices of reason and wisdom is the position of Dr. Ben Carson in his recent opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement (see USA Today).   But more important is the fact that no African-American has any excuse for their rejection of the Gospel principles, because if Ben Carson could arise out of the ghetto -- ghettos which were created by Liberal Democrats -- so too can every other person who has been born into these same conditions.   Then there is the voice of a Black grandmother named Peggy Hubbard (see St. Louis grandmother’s criticism of Black Lives Matter).  Or the Tweet of Crystal Wright: "What black people do better than any other race. Guns, crime, profanity, vulgarity+out of wedlock births" (see ). Therefore, while these Black voices are representative of the minority, as one's life is evaluated and judged, no one has any excuse for rejecting the Gospel principles. 

While it is true that many white Mainline Churches have bought into this same socialist ideology, they too have brought great suffering and judgment upon themselves.   On the other hand, the sincere Christians who put the core Gospel Principles into daily practice, and have begun to mature beyond the "milk" of the Gospel, often contact me for help and assistance.   Daily, I communicate with seekers around the world.   And it is these sincere Christians who desire only to live in accord with the Gospel teachings, who can be guided by the Spirit as they travail in TheWay.  Those who have lived in accord with the Original Gospel Principles, are guided by the Lord to my writings which restore the Pure Teachings of TheWay that the Church of Rome abandoned.

 Allan Cronshaw

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Jesus The University Professor

Jesus The Professor: When correctly understood, the Gospel account of Jesus can just as rightly be portrayed as being taught by a university professor -- i.e., Jesus the Law Professor, the Science Professor, the Philosophy Professor, the Psychology Professor -- as from a spiritual leader and guide.   Why?   Because everything that we think, do and say invokes Natural Laws -- and it is these Natural Laws that orchestrate our lives and our individual futures.   The bottom line is that everything in this world is moved by the Natural Laws which control every aspect of the lives we live.   After all, Jesus stated that not even a sparrow can fall to the earth apart from the Will of God -- and God interacts and moves the hearts and minds of all mankind indirectly through the Natural Laws of Creation.  To be ignorant of these Natural Laws, is to be a victim of our own ignorance.   What is often portrayed as American Exceptionalism is very much the result of the Natural Laws that were understood and invoked by the framers of the American Constitution (see ). 
What is the source of intellectual instruction?  It makes no difference if the instructor is in an upper room of a religious group, or in front of a classroom of students who desire to perceive and observe the Source in the Ætheric Field that has been noted by the physicists in the scientific community  (see Science - Religion - The Ætheric Field Mind).   The requirements for both groups who seek this essential knowledge of the Source which has been equally noted by physicist-scholars and mystics alike, is exactly the same.   Modern physicists and mystics alike have attested to the fact that what we see and observe with our physical senses is a type of projected image -- almost an incomplete shadow-image -- of an unseen Source.   Therefore, if the objective is to perceive the Source in the unseen of what we perceive with our physical senses -- and our perceptive limitations are the results of the limitations imposed upon us by the Natural Laws of Creation -- then both groups must be able to fulfill the requirements of the Laws, before they would be able to pass the test of the Laws, and evolve to the next level that would permit them to perceive a greater reality of the Source.    In the same way that a person can't declare themselves to be a mystic with their words, and suddenly be able to perceive the Source of the images we see, neither can a physicist who is also seeking to perceive the Source.   Thus, the requirements are exactly the same with respect to the Natural Laws that inhibit mankind from perceiving the Source of what we see in this world.  
That a person declares themselves to be a student of science and physics, does not provide them the ability to perceive the reality of the Ætheric Field that is the unseen Source of what man perceives with his physical senses (see Science - Religion - The Ætheric Field Mind).   In like manner, that a seeker declares themselves to be a Christian, does not in any manner provide them the ability to see the Source of what the physicist has only recently discovered.   Yet, not only could the historical man Jesus perceive the Source, he had the ability to move into the Source -- and he taught his disciples how to accomplish everything that he could do.    The fact that the religious world does not know this today, is largely due to the corruption of the scriptures (see ).   And because the original disciples and followers of Jesus had the ability to perceive the unseen that is the Source of what we see, the religious and secular authorities in their time-frame hunted them down and murdered them.   And over the course of the centuries since, anyone who actually followed Jesus' instructions and succeed in developing these innate abilities, were very quickly silenced as heretics by religious and secular authorities alike.    As an example: Giordano Bruno attempted to teach others in the universities of his day what they must do to begin to perceive in the unseen Source of what we see, and he was put on trial for heresy, and burnt at the stake (see Spiritual Religion).   For over a thousand years the secular religion of Pagan Rome which worshiped the Mithraic-Christ reigned supreme -- and, as stated in the Jesuit Oath, those who disagreed with their dogma were exterminated:  "Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope.  He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated" (Oath of the Jesuit Order).   That the Spiritual Christians were hunted down as heretics, is easily proven.  
The perceptive limitations imposed upon mankind are a matter of Natural Law.   What this means is that every person is equally born blind, to what the modern physicist and mystic of the past portray as the Source in the Ætheric Field.   Why?   Because the Laws are imposed equally upon all of mankind, and there exists a universal means to overcome these Laws, which enables the person to perceive both the Source in the Ætheric Field, and the shadow-images that are projected into this world.   But herein lies the Universal dilemma -- i.e., this more enlightened and evolved reality portrayed in the Gospel teaching can only be comprehended by those who fulfill the Laws and attain the necessary manifestation of Wholeness.   But isn't this also the primary objective of our colleges and universities?   Aren't they working to raise the consciousness of their students, evolve their thinking, and open the door to a higher state of mental enlightenment?   And herein, also, lies the universal dilemma: True mental enlightenment can only be achieved by prevailing over those conditions which subject man to ignorance -- and the condition of ignorance that plagues mankind, is a matter of Natural Law that must be overcome by the individual in search of Higher Truth.  An interesting observation was made by astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, who was the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies who wrote in his book, God and the Astronomers, that “The scientist has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”   There is only one way to scale the mountains of ignorance, and that is to prevail over the Natural Laws that inhibit man from perceiving the Source of what he sees in this world.    The historical man Jesus possessed this knowledge of the Natural Laws -- he conveyed this knowledge to his inner core of disciples and followers -- but the Gentile Church threw it away, and even outlawed this body of essential knowledge.   While only now has science emerged out of the Dark Ages to the degree where they once again can use this body of (esoteric) knowledge, the Church remains in the dungeon of abject ignorance.  

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Low Information Christians Who Worship The Anti-Christ

We have of course heard the term Low Information Voters who are uninformed, and remain absolutely clueless as the the actual facts, positions and accomplishments of the candidates they vote for and support.  Low information voters believe lies and ideological rhetoric, resulting in their support of candidates that promote untruths.  Take the example of the cover of Sojourners magazine on the right with the image of Michael Brown holding his hands up in surrender supposedly stating: "Don't Shoot".   Informed people are well aware that this event which was manufactured and promoted by the nation's race-merchants, never happened.   Furthermore, this bogus fraud has been promoted by the secular left to make war on the police, and has resulted in the massive death of innocent people in all the nations cities where far-left politicians hold the reigns of political power.  And while this lie has been propagated to bring about a political advantage, it has resulted in the slaughter of inner-city innocent men, women and children.   Yet, we now find it openly promoted on the cover of one of the leading liberal Christian groups cover.  With the statement: "My theology changed the day Michael Brown was shot".  Did God intend a believer to change their theology based upon ideological lies and untruths? 

Throughout history, bogus frauds and lies -- often promoted by charlatan priests and clergy in conjunction with secular authorities who were their benefactors -- have always framed the theology of Low Information Christians.  Resulting in the reality that the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  But to these bogus religious leaders such as Sojourners who promote lies manufactured by race merchants to Low Information believers, the scriptures warn that because of your lack of knowledge, God has totally abandoned you as seen at Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children."

Historically it can be proven and recognized that those who were directly taught, and were the closest to the Source of an Enlightened Spiritual Teacher and Visionary, were always the most correct in their practice and doctrines which were formed on the foundation of those original teachings.   Historically, over the course of time, the original teachings always become corrupted, to the degree that at many points they oppose the core concepts of these teachings on numerous important points.  In the same way that the theology of the Pharisees did not represent the Spiritual Core of Judaism as embraced by the Essenes -- and modern  Islam has virtually nothing in common with the core of the original teachings which was to learn from the True Prophet (see The True Prophet) -- modern Christianity has little in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- while the quasi-Marxist theology of Jim Wallis and Sojourners, has virtually nothing in common with the original Gospel Message.  It is also relevant in this time of racial violence and upheaval, that Jim Wallis who heads Sojourner, is the spiritual adviser to Pres. Barrack Obama. 

In demonstration of the fact that modern Christianity has little in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, I set before you the words of Prof. Millar Burrows who acknowledged the facts in his book, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, where he states: “There are those who believe or assume that the Greek and Hebrew texts from which our translations are made are infallible. No person who has studied textual criticism at all could believe that. The most conservative scholars in the most conservative churches recognize that the text has become corrupt at many points in the course of its transmission. If that were not already well known and universally admitted, the Dead Sea Scrolls would demonstrate it conclusively.”    And in the same book Dead Sea Scroll expert A. Powell Davies is quoted as stating that "Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been"  Both of which statements were supported by Prof. John Allegro who confirmed in the August 1966 issue of Harpers Magazine that: "The very scholars who should be most capable of working on the documents and interpreting them have displayed a not altogether surprising, but nonetheless curious, reluctance to go to the heart of their matter. The scholars appear to have held back from making discoveries which, there is evidence to believe, may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian Church. This in turn would greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers. The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine".  While it is easily demonstrated that the mainline Churches baptize their Congregations in the name of the christ of Pagan Rome (see ), Jim Wallis and Sojourners baptizes Low Information believers into the christ of Marxism.  And this historical and theological fact is easily proven.

Low Information Ostrich Believers: Why does it matter what was found and confirmed in the Dead Sea Scrolls with respect to Christian beginnings?  Because these writings confirm the fact that modern Church dogma has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus.   Man-made dogma that is supported by proven corrupted biblical manuscripts (see ).  Man-made dogma that was forced upon the Church by a series of evil Roman Emperors and their appointed clergy, which fraudulent dogma was supported by hunting down the Spiritual Christians who refused to embrace the religion of the emperor, and were murdered as heretics.   And regardless of the facts, this bogus body of man-made dogma continues to be promoted by charlatan clergy and Low Information Christian Believers!!!  

In an interview with uber liberal clergyman Brian McLaren by Christianity Today, he is quoted as stating: "One of the problems is that the average Christian in the average church who listens to the average Christian broadcasting has such an oversimplified understanding of both the Bible and of church history - it would be deeply disturbing for them to really learn about church history"  Thus, Low Information Christians are very much like ostriches with their heads in the sand hiding from the historical and spiritual facts they remain ignorantly in denial of.

If the question is posed as to how I can prove that the dogmatic foundation of the modern Church is based upon a bogus fraud which intentionally misrepresents the original teachings of Jesus?   One only has to read the original teachings on the proper use of the New Covenant Sacraments, to verify what I am stating (see .   But so long as the congregations remain Low Information believers who hide their heads in the dogmatic sands of man-made doctrines, such groups as Sojourners will continue to promote their modern edition of Marxist Christianity that promotes government ordained social programs and collective salvation instead of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.

It should be noted that the conclusion of the Adam Clark Bible Commentary on the early position of the pre-Nicene Church that Jesus was a holy man who became the Christ on the basis of fulfilling the Law within himself as set forth in the original Gospel teachings, would render the modern dogmatic Church in their words: "... the whole Christian system is vain and baseless" -- and this historical and spiritual fact is proven at .

Spiritually Bankrupt African-American Communities: Michael Brown was a victim of such quasi-religious groups as Sojourners who promote a leftist anti-Gospel agenda.   Because the African-American communities are both Low Information voters, as well as Low Information believers, they have made themselves victims of charlatan religious leaders who have alienated the people from God.  Statistics demonstrate conclusively that the Black community has abandoned the Spiritual Sacrament of Marriage (see Sacrament of Marriage).   Yet, the facts demonstrate that Marriage is the leading factor in resolving the issue of childhood poverty (see Americas Greatest Weapon Against Childhood Poverty).  The African-American community has been led by counterfeit clergy to abandon the Sacrament of Baptism (see Spiritual Baptism) -- and having defiled the necessary spiritual "wedding garment" that is needed to come to TheCall (see Wedding Garment), they have brought judgment and condemnation upon themselves.   Does Black lives really matter?   Every day innocent African-Americans are slain by other African-Americans who have embraced a culture that denigrates women, tramples upon the teachings of the Son of God, and has totally destroyed the Black Community.   And instead of repenting from their ungodly culture that immerses their communities in sin and inequity, they follow charlatans such as Jim Wallis and Sojourners who have seduced them into abandoning the oracles of God, while embracing the Satanic broad-way that leads to the proverbial fires of Hell.  And when rightly understood, Michael Brown was a victim of counterfeit man-made dogma and the charlatan clergy who guide the Low Information believer in the way of spiritual darkness.

What kind of fool and idiot would make the profoundly ignorant statement that  "My theology changed the day Michael Brown was shot"   Michael Brown and the African-American communities have long ago abandoned the original teachings of Jesus and the Sacramental Oracles of God.   When St. Augustine created the doctrine of Original Sin as a cloak for those who abandoned the original Gospel message, he was opposed by Palagius who correctly stated that  “Man is able, if he likes, to live without sin and keep the commandments of God, in as much as God gives him this ability”  Pelagius did not say that the journey in TheWay was easy -- only that if the believer was sincere at keeping the Gospel Sacraments, that "..God gives him this ability” to live a Consecrated Life apart from the sins of the flesh that presently immerses the Black Communities who are led by uber liberal clergy and politicians who are portrayed in the Gospels as the wolves in sheep's attire who seduce the Low Information believers and congregations into the ways of death and self-destruction.  In the words of Jesus: "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).