Questions From A Sincere Baptist Seeker
Questions From A Sincere Baptist Seeker
I was asked a number of questions by a Baptist who was familiar with my writings:
In reality, the meaning of Ebionite and Nazirene are one and the same. The term Ebionite is the "poor-one's" who are set aside and are "in the world and not of it". Meaning, they are poor to the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the people of this world. The word Nazirene portrays those who are of the Vow of the Nazir -- i.e., the Keepers of TheWay who are set aside (see The Nazirene Vow And The Holographic Mind ). In the fourth century Constantine found out that there was no geographical place called Nazareth -- with the term Nazirene portraying the Vow of Consecration -- so they created a place which they then named Nazareth (see ) in order to explain away this void in the Gospels.
The scriptures are an allegorical portrayal of your own mind (see The Cosmology Of The Gospels ). For those who don't possess past-live recall and must rely upon the findings of man, the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that the New Covenant emerged out of the Essenes (see The Essenes And The Dead Sea Scrolls ), and that those who actually walked with the historical man Jesus daily -- talking to him and learning from him -- totally rejected the Jesus-god of Constantine (see The Ebionite Nazirenes ). Which provokes the question: As a human man, how did the man Jesus become the Messiah and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God? The answer: By totally fulfilling the Law. What Law? Certainly not the literal text of the Law that requires animal sacrifice and other such outward rituals. But rather, the allegorical meaning of the Law that transforms the physical body and mind into the Living Consecrated Temple that permits the person to become the High Priest who can enter within the Holy of Holies within themselves, and enter the Kingdom within -- fulfilling the adage to be in the world and not of it (see The Gospels And The PreExistent Soul That Evolves To Perfection In Many Lifetimes ). What this means is that Jesus was not himself God -- but At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God -- and as a true holy-man who fulfilled the Law within his own mind and being, Jesus became the pattern for all of mankind to embrace and follow in imitation.
I don't know of a single person whose Soul has not lived countless lives in pursuit of achieving Wholeness, Completion and Perfection (see Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development ). In the foregoing link the three causes of being born blind is explored. And that you don't recall the previous lives your Soul has lived -- and are in fact blind to man's higher Soul-Reality -- is explored in this subheading. But that when your Soul incarnated into this present life, you were not only born with physical DNA, but also Spiritual DNA as explored in the following subheading entitled Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests -- and further explored at Spiritual DNA And The Sower And The Seed .
Many of the most important spiritual teachings were removed from the Gospels, while others were corrupted. But one of the most important teachings which in the bumbling of the scribes of the Church was left for every Bible reader to detect the removal of, is the teaching on the Children -- which you can find restored at Turn About And Become As a Child . While many Baptists are in denial of the corruption of the Gospels by the Church, what they fail to understand is the fact that if the Gospels were not corrupted and made relevant to the Gentiles, these teachings would not exist today in any form (see Why Would God Permit The Gospels To Be Corrupted ). In order to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospels, it is imperative to live the necessary Spiritual Holistic Lifestyle http://BrotherOfJesus#TheSpiritualHolisticLifestyle ). Only by embracing and fulfilling the Royal Law in the manner that the man Jesus did, can we evolve and manifest our own spiritual maturity (see The Natural Laws - Spiritual Maturity ).
Even when a Soul achieves Wholeness, they are often called upon to re-enter this world to bring about certain objectives and results, or to act as a Guide in TheWay. If your Baptist friends would take the time to read the article at , the whole of their understanding would be opened. And if they embrace the Original Gospel Teachings, they would be able to begin the process of spiritual transformation. For this purpose -- i.e., the restoration of the Original Gospel teachings - I was born into this present life. But since all of life is a test of our choices and freewill, all I can do is present the Truth and TheWay to sincere seekers. With respect to why the scriptures are allegorical and written in the manner that they are? This is fully explained in the article. In fact, few Christians understand the meaning of the New Covenant -- and the fact that Judaism and the Old Testament is not the forerunner of the New Covenant and the Original Gospel Teachings.
Fundamentalist Christians don't comprehend why God permitted the Gospels to be corrupted -- and they attempt to maintain that there was therefore no corruption. In the Blog Article, I therefore added the following:
All of mankind grows and develops both mentally and spiritually, through the choices they make, and the exercise of their freewill. In the same way that Paul could not convey to the Christian congregations the spiritual meaning of the Gospels because they had yet to become spiritually mature enough to understand the higher reality of the Soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Animal-Soul ), and the allegories and parables of the Gospels were designed to begin to evolve and mature the minds of the faith-based Christians so they could begin to understand the Spiritual Meaning of the Gospels. Thus, the Gospels were and are a catalyst that when properly used as the Key of Knowledge, is able to develop and evolve the consciousness of man. But, as explored at the above links, it would have been impossible for the Gentiles to embrace the Original Gospel teachings in their pure form, so it became imperative for them to receive a (dumbed-down) gospel that they could embrace, so that they could begin to walk the path of spiritual maturity. Moreover, more pure Gospels were safeguarded for future use (see Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures ). Quoting from The Unforgivable Sin Of The Church ).
While Biblical scholars basically told the people the truth about the corruption of the Gospels, the truth was and remains unacceptable to the multitude of Churches. Quoting from Examination of Modern NT Text Criticism: "Where history records that true sacred text survived this assault and is preserved in the traditional text, Westcott and Hort counter that the whole church participated in a conspiracy to fabricate a blended (and therefore corrupted) text. Westcott and Hort must not have believed the traditional Christian church to be genuine, but a sham. This thesis is supported by the biographies of Westcott and Hort. When J. F. D. Maurice was accused of false doctrine, Westcott commented that Orthodox Christians are like a new Islam persecuting a revival of the true Christians."
Why can the adoption of the corrupted scriptures be portrayed as "...a conspiracy to fabricate a blended (and therefore corrupted) text"? Because the Roman Emperor Constantine orchestrated a massive adoption of Christianity as the Universal Religion of the Empire -- which brought about the massive conversion of Mithraic pagans into the Roman Church. Jesus was portrayed as the latest incarnation of the Mithraic sun-god that was born on December 25 -- which is when the sun begins to move northward from the southern hemisphere. Constantine took the most corrupt New Testament scriptures and further edited and corrupted them to make them support the dogma of Mithraism which represented the common beliefs of the people. The original Ebionite Nazirene disciples and followers of Jesus were condemned as heretics -- portrayed as "too Jewish" to understand the meaning of the Gospel -- i.e., “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416). Further, the Spiritual (Gentile) Christians who understood the important purpose of the scriptures as a catalyst to develop the mind and enable the seeker/believer to begin to receive the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, were condemned as Gnostic heretics -- hunted down, their scriptures destroyed and those who did not embrace the religion of the emperor, were put to death. Resulting in the fact that the whole foundation of the modern Church which is based upon Original Sin, has been imported from the Mithraic based teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, in order to explain and fill the great void that the Church suppression of important teachings on the pre-existent soul created (see Original Sin). Thereby creating a pagan foundation to the Church that has rendered Christianity spiritually impotent. Further quoting from Examination of Modern NT Text Criticism: "Westcott and Hort must have believed that what historians recorded as a defense against heretics was in reality a suppression of the true church. They believed that what the historians recorded as heretically corrupted texts were closer to the true autographs." And this statement is true beyond the comprehension of the modern believer. The more pure the copy of the Gospels, the more offensive it was from the perspective of the dogma and religion of the emperor.
In view of the fact that Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within you -- and the Logos/Son of God exists at the Core and Essence of your Mind and Being (see The One Teacher ), the Truth and the Gospel message could and can easily be restored in the mind of virtually any sincere seeker who seeks the Truth and the Light of the Kingdom within. And thus, it was of greater importance for the Gentiles to embrace a set of (dumbed-down) scriptures they could believe in, than for them to receive a pure Gospel which they were unable to comprehend, and would reject. But the above statement in the light of reality is timeless -- i.e., "...Westcott commented that Orthodox Christians are like a new Islam persecuting a revival of the true Christians." And this is true. The greatest obstacle to the Truth and TheWay, is the Church which continues to promote the man-made dogma of pagan Rome.